
problems starting dx7 sample programs

Started by December 01, 1999 08:15 PM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
I don't know the exact way to fix it (if this is your problem), but this works: put all the resource stuff for the samples..the textures, bmp's, *.x models, etc into the same directory as the sample executables. A straight copy and they should work fine.


Admin for

You may have a buggy driver, try downloading the reference drivers from
I've tried to start the "boids" program
under dx7.But after some seconds it exits
without doing nothing and no error message occurs.the Dx6 "boids" worked fine on my system (32 MB,Voodoo I)
The same problem with the other programs.
Any idea?
The problem may be that all the DirectX 7 SDK sample programs run in a window (ie not full screen) by default, and a Voodoo 1 cannot do windowed rendering (only full-screen). Get a Voodoo 3 2000 AGP. They are only about $80 and will serve you much better if you intend to program DirectX/D3D.

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