
Rendering to texture memory in OpenGL ?

Started by November 18, 1999 06:10 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
I'm sort of new to OpenGL programming, and I was wondering if there is a mechanism in OpenGL for rendering to texture memory.

I know such a thing can be done in D3D, but I havn't run across anything similar for OpenGL yet.

Basically, what I'm trying to do in the end is display a texture composed in this way:
(T1*T2) + (T3*T4) + ... + (Tn*Tn+1)
Where the *'s are modualtions and the +'s are alpha blends.

I really can't see any way to acomplish this other than to modulate two textures together, render them to a texture, then blend the resultant texture into the final image.

If anyone has any idea on how to go about rendering to a texture, or has a better way to solve the texturing problem, please let me know.


You have to use a Extension called Multitexture, which combines multiple texels at each fragment ( specification is found in Appendix F of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification )
A link to Spec 1.2.1 (.pdf and .ps)is here:

[This message has been edited by TheMummy (edited November 18, 1999).]

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