
Four Elements - Unofficial Contest?

Started by June 08, 2008 08:38 AM
156 comments, last by Lesan 14 years, 9 months ago
Hey, Lesan, do you think you could arrange having GD place the unofficial contest in the contest listing on the site? I know there are two Intel contests in there now, so I don't think the contests have to be hosted by GD. You could ask that the links point to the site you made. You could then add a forum link on the site that points to here.
Well, I sure can try. Though I'm not exactly sure whom to ask. Superpig's not responding and Khawk is missing for quite some time...
What about Myopic Rhino or Michael Tanczos? They also started the site, and Myopic Rhino's profile shows that he's posted recently.
This discussion have shaped quite beautifully while I was away...
About the fire/water/earth/air : I believe that these elements are very widely used and you may as well remove the elements restriction at all if you decide to choose them (since every game I've played in the last year has them already).
However,I agree,that the classic elements are a decent base,which would be far better than a bad combo of elements.
Regardless,such poor combos are not that many on the ufec site,and you could always vote with a 1 for an element set you really dislike.

Someone said something,about how the classic elements both relate and exclude each other being opposites,and I think this is something worth thinking about.
Such element sets are very few on the site,but still the vote shall prove what the majority wants.

Also congrats about the sponsors,this should be an interesting competition indeed.
I agree that everyone will do their best to make a good game, but as ne0_kamen says, with too general elements there's no real point to have elements at all. However, as Trapper Zoid mentioned, the judging and rules could we written so that people are encouraged to use the elements as more intricate parts of their games, even with more general elements.

There are many good arguments for both sides, and I now think that it doesn't really matter.
I must say though, that even though many of the elements we vote on are less general than earth/water/fire/air they certainly aren't very restricting. They could force games in a general direction, but I believe many of the elements allow for much freedom as well. You might not be able to take your completed game and put the elements in it, but as long as you're willing to design from the elements, I doubt they will hold you back.

Lesan has previously stated he will take the element groups that are most popular, and randomly select one of them, so as to make the final elements a surprise. I don't know how much of a majority is needed to just select one group.

In any case I think it will be a great contest, and with the voting and discussion I'm sure the worst elements are already gone from the list, and all the elements used in the final selection will be acceptable at least.
Regardless of how it's organised, can we have some sensible elements this time please? I've wanted to compete for the last two or three years but the stupidity of the elements has completely put me off. The last two competitions have features "Europe", "Ponies" and "Accountants". Now I can appreciate the desire to have something a little off-the-wall and unpredictable, but ponies? Seriously?

In particular a lot of the recent elements have been very art-heavy - part of the reason why the original four elements were so good was because they didn't require lots of character artwork or animation and could be represented either realistically or in quite abstract ways as needed.
I am scared of October 30th.... (insert horrified smiley here)

With so many different opinions on what the elements should be and with all those people saying they did not participate in the last contests because of the poor elements, I fear any element set we have voted for will anger someone... :D

There are 4 result sets with over average over 3.1 now. One of them seems pretty good to me. Its elements are abstract so they can be implemented in any kind of game but they represent concepts that look interesting. I thought about it and, within two minutes, I found two different game concepts (really concepts, nothing more).
Hey Lesan,

I think it is impossible to fullfill the dreams of every participant. Some of them just need an excuse not to participate, some of them are never satisfied. Putting all this together and getting a bunch of positive feedback for your effort should guide you.

BTW the element Pony seemd to split the whole community. But in my oppinion it was the most modern element. Look at all these horse games, pet simulations and Tamagotchi 2.0 stuff. None of us created a game like that. Give Ponies a chance, guys.

For now I've deleted all EVE, Age of Conan and Guild Wars accounts and can't wait to start with the development. The pen is sharpend and a white piece of paper awaits the first scetches. Eclipse, SDL, OpenGL and FMOD updated, VISTA patched, latest Ubuntu running and Maemo will be one of the target platforms.

Ready... set...
I like a lot of the individual elements that we're voting for, but I feel that other elements in their sets aren't as good. Mixing the elements from different sets might be ideal for some people (could just be me though). Do you think it would be better to list them individually instead of in sets, and then construct the best set with the top 6-8 elements? Maybe over a two-day voting session? Just an idea.
awesome. I'm in. And I don't care what the elements are, I like having oddball guidelines for my project, I feel that it fosters creativity (which, as I understand it, is the entire point of having weird elements).

Maybe you could make flex options, like "fire, ice, metal, and lions / mustard"?

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