
Four Elements - Unofficial Contest?

Started by June 08, 2008 08:38 AM
156 comments, last by Lesan 14 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by XDigital
BTW the element Pony seemd to split the whole community. But in my oppinion it was the most modern element. Look at all these horse games, pet simulations and Tamagotchi 2.0 stuff. None of us created a game like that. Give Ponies a chance, guys.

I hated Ponies as an element for exactly the reasons OrangyTang posted. Firstly, because it sounded gimmicky, but secondly and more importantly, it's real flippin' hard to draw an animated horse sprite. Having to fit Accountants in there as well was the straw that broke the back of my 4E6 pony.

With me, and I doubt I'm alone in this, I'll only participate in the contest if I can think of a game that fits into my current goals for game development, my schedule and my interests. If I feel a contest won't fit into those goals, then I'll drop it as soon as I realise that. For 4E contests, I know with my time table that if I can't think of a simple idea that engages me within a few weeks, something that I can reliably prototype by the end of a month, then I won't be able to polish it up to an acceptable standard in time.

That's why the contests with weirder elements tend to get dropped sooner rather than later. The stranger the combination, the harder it is to think of a simple idea (emphasis on simple) that incorporates all four. It's very easy to meet the elements by me saying I'll make a game with gobs of content, but I can't actually make a game like that in a few months.

But I agree that it's impossible to try and please everyone. I'm just stating my opinion so it's clear what my reasoning is.
Hey Lesan, how many people have registered for this so far on the site? I'm curious about the current size of this contest.
The problem with ponies and accountants was that it really wasn't easy to come up with a story or game where you could say "Wow, Accountants and ponies are really integral to this experience". For example, no offence to the person who did it, but I felt the space ship game from last 4 elements round was just in plain violation of the rule.

I am not really a fan of fire, water, air, earth as the elements because they open the door to violation against the significant presence rule. If you grouped them into a single element (eg: natural elements), then that would be a big improvement since now it's clear that having fire, water, wind elements in multiple parts of your game (whether individually significant or not) combine together to be significant. Also, it opens up 3 more elements which is a bonus.
Quote: Original post by Acticore
Hey Lesan, how many people have registered for this so far on the site? I'm curious about the current size of this contest.

I haven't counted them,but there are probably about 15 registered users.
I imagine there will be more competition than that,but in any case it will probably be the smallest e4 competition to date.
Still participant count is not necessarily proportional to quality,although it is somehow connected with finished games count.

Also I believe once the competition starts and we start showing each other's work in progress,quite a few people will be attracted by the spirit of competition.

The element sets voting period is over. The final element set has been chosen and will get displayed on the site on October 30th. That is, seven days from now!

The number of users registered on the website is 13, including me. When I read your posts, Trapper Zoid and GMuser, I think the element set will satisfy you. Whether it fits into your game development goals, though, I cannot say. But I sincerely hope so :D

The LOGO is still needed! The logo should display the acronym UFEC, should be in full color (not blue-and-black) and could reference to the traditional natural elements.
I don't have much time right now, and I'm not that great with logos/banners, but here's something I just made. I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but if you at least want a temporary fix, you could use this. It's standard banner size, but it might be too small for the site depending on how big you've made the page. If you're just looking for a logo, you could take the four element orbs with U, F, E, and C in them and use that. It's simple enough to work as a logo, even if only a temporary logo.

UFEC Banner

Probably should have made it a leaderboard now that I think about it, but I can go back and fix that when I have some free time. I wasn't thinking. :P
do i have to do anything in particular to register, or is my post in this thread sufficient?
Here is my attempt (mostly a concept really, I expect someone will come up with something better):

svg available:

You don't have to do anything rihgt now. You can enter the contest anytime, from now up until several days before the end of submission period. To enter, register on the site:

And then wait for October 30th when the elements shall be revealed.

GMuser, Acticore: Thank you. Keep more designs coming. Acticore's banner is too small for the site. GMuser's one looks, well, conceptual, sort of childish, very informal. The contest is not THAT unofficial. And it's UFEContest not UFECompetition. Thank you anyway! I'm not sure how I will pick up the official logo. Perhaps some kind of poll would be appropriate? Perhaps I can choose a temporary logo now and then we can hold a poll later?

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