Quote: Original post by Jarrod1937Quote: Original post by blackvans1234
war -
im trying to figure out how to make straight lines, the pen tool is quite the nuisnce for me, and idk how to use just about everything on photoshop yet
i also have no idea what/where the skew tool is
medevil, yea someone got mad at me cuz i posted this, in this section
then i posed this in the beginners section to get more exposure
(along wiht a new question)
and ppl got all mad and i guess someone gave me a bad rating
you must've done that ALOT
A word of warning, nothing will sink your rating more than complaining about it. Though, considering everyone starts out with 1000, and you have 998, i'd say your rating is fine. Either way, don't worry about your rating. It is simply a number, worry instead what it represents.
good point
i wasnt trying to complain (at first anyway- guess it may have turned into that)
I was just telling medevil my scenario
no feedback jarrod!?
-stink eye-
thanks Oluseyi, I am currently trying to just get the hang of the basics, like drawing and editing, all the other fancy stuff (lighting, perspective ect) will come with time, and reading many tutorials!
thanks to both