
Flying Caesar

Started by December 28, 2007 04:59 AM
208 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 9 months ago

[ Crista & Symphony (Image) ]

In the story:
o Crista is a logistics specialist
o The bulk of her work involves computing
o She runs Symphony using levitating groves on the field

In the story:
o Olivia watches as the crew fixes Blaahval

An example of a closed pipe loop:

Which pipe segments could form a loop for the pump?

[Edited by - Wai on June 16, 2009 1:49:47 AM]

[ Sapphirina (Image) ]

In the story:
o Sapphirina is from the search & seizure division
o Sapphirina meets Olivia
o "Is that your daughter?!"

[ Crouton (Image) ]

In the story:
o Captain of the Albatross

[ Parmesa (Image) ]

In the story:
o Senior Engineer
o Owner/Hostess of the Albatross

[ Pippali (Image) ]

In the story:
o Doctor on Albatross
o Always liked plants and never saw enough
o Also likes to cook

o In charge of maintaining the medical bay of the Albatross and
o to expand the medical bay into the adjacent room as needed

o The room next door was the nursery dispenser with the seed analyzer
o and synthesizer, and some prototype planting equipment and seed samples.

[ Allisa (Image) ]

In the story
o Reporter
o Wanted to uncover secrets and find evidence of various rumors circulating on the colony
There are many good 2D games dev by SEGA,They should be very good examples for u.
Re: Examples for what?


[ LeMon (Image) ]

In the story:
o Overgrown kid
o Knew Romaina when she was nerdy girl with big glasses

[ Nerdy Romaina (Image) ]

[ Olivia (Image) ]

In the story:
Olivia leaves the moon where she had no friend to the Earth to make
friends of all age. Olivia learns about how Albatross runs, finds
areas where she could help, learn new skill to make herself useful,
and moves onto new challenges.

Where does Olivia sleep?
Olivia has her own room, just like most other crew members do.
Olivia's room is closest to Allisa's. Olivia has a habit of walking
out of her room at night. Allisa is funny so sometimes she sleeps
in her room.

Why didn't Olivia have friends at school on the moon?
Olivia was slow and does not get excited about things that the other
kids get excited about. Olivia was really boring to the other kids.

What must Olivia do independently on the Albatross?
Tidy the room, go to the mess hall to eat, hygene, do laundry, call

What has Olivia done so far?
Attending meetings, interviewing, foraging, cooking, learning, setting
drone commands, using the transceiver, knowing what each crew member
is doing and where they are at a moment, swimming, discerning materials
and items, scheduling activities, retelling events, remember what people
care about and relay interesting news.

What is Olivia's goal?
Olivia doesn't think in terms of long term goals. At least not yet.

What does Olivia want now?
To fly like Romaina. But she knows she can't do it because she is not
big enough and has no bird. When she sees Romaina she feels a conflicting
feeling between something she wants but also something she cannot get.
Olivia should:

a) Decide that she wants to fly now no matter what
b) Decide that Romaina makes her feel bad and avoid her
c) Decide that Romaina makes her feel bad and she should hate her in return
d) Tell Romaina that she wants to fly
e) Tell someone else that she wants to fly
f) Ask Worcester to make her a bird
g) Ask Minivamp for a guaranteed scheme to have it her way

[ Allisa: ?! (Image) ]

[Edited by - Wai on July 9, 2009 3:18:23 AM]

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