Quote: Original post by dpadam450
First blender is as useful as any pricey tools out there. I've seen just as amazing things done with as 3dsmax,maya. Check out Elephants Dream if you want to see some nuts blender.
I recently had a class on 3dsmax, and compared to blender, I hate it and won't use it ever. Blender is alot faster/easier to use, cuz you point click for editing. In max you have to hit all these "i want to edit buttons". Anyway....if your serious about blender, buy the 2.3 guide book. It's damn good and its even online though I think having a book is better. You actually might want to buy the new book instead, since it covers beginning and new features.
Interesting you say this. I'm a 3ds Max user and Blender's UI feels like something Satan threw together to make life a living hell.