
Crystal Ranch

Started by December 02, 2007 06:08 PM
-1 comments, last by Eradicator13 16 years, 10 months ago
Game: Crystal Ranch Genre: Top Down RPG/Shooter Idea: your on a pony ranch and a volcano explodes you have to find some crystals to save your accountant friend who also helps you. (its still being worked on) Team: 2 programmers and 1 graphics guy Time: we are writing the whole thing from scratch which will probably take a bit of time which is made more annoying by the fact that my friend's computer was eaten by vista and can only work on it in school and the graphics guy can only work on it an hour a week. Experience: we are all only 16 so i suppose we are new to writing video games although we have been programming for a few years so we think we can handle it. Progress: currently we have nearly finished the engine so we are able to move around the map hit dense objects and fire bullets. we appreciate any ideas or tips given and will post a screen shot when we've got something more interesting then some grass and trees to show.

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