
Religion in Games

Started by October 05, 2007 09:33 PM
26 comments, last by GameEngineer_gi 17 years, 4 months ago
Bible Fight on Adult Swim.

Biblical icons battle it out in the world's greatest immortal combat. Bring your wrath. You're going to need it.


Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except in a Popular Video Game at Church - New York Times

-- Tom Sloper --

I haven't read all of the reply's in this posting, I've only read a few, but I would just like to give the original poster a few of my own opinions on the matter. I myself have thought about using biblical references in my own game. I probably will in the end. The point is, you can't think about that kind of stuff.

If you think the story is good, then do it. Mechanics will have nothing to do with this game. IF you want to throw in a religious aspect in there, then go for it. I would say don't worry about offending people. Especially the Christians. You say fuck in the game, you've all ready offended about half the christian faith. Anything to do with Sex, drinking, drugs, anything like that, will offend a fair number of christians.

Make the game for you. If you like the storyline and the game system, then someone else is going to like the story and game system. Will it be a hit, don't know, but you'll like it, and others will to. So do what you want, if you have no opinion on a matter and are not sure, then ask people for their opinion, but if you have something you want to do, don't ask others if you should or you can. Just do it.

Unless it infringes on copyrights, those people will fuck you over.....
I wouldn't be offended at all. It takes a lot to offend me. It would be suprising if many people we offended or shocked by a religious game, or a game with religious overtones, given that it doesn't seem to offend or shock people when popular movies and tv shows deal with subjects like violent sex offenses, brutal homicides and serial rape on a daily or hourly basis.
I'd think a game 90% to 100% evolved around the Bible would b a great idea. I wouldn't see a problem with it, unless someone is trying to have a problem with it.
Holy crap, you can read!
thank you for pointing out my speaking error, firemonk3y. That was uncalled for on my part. I apologize.
and to back up what everyone has already said, religion is fine in games. if the game is good, it will sell and make headlines 'cause of its religious content. if it is bad, it probably won't sell, and still might make headlines because of religious content.

Original post by Trevwa89
haha, I remember you, sloper. You did the same thing to me.

Nice to see you again.

-- Tom Sloper --

I don't see any problem with taking concepts and angles from Bible stories. I do have a problem with any 'real' religion being in a game I play. You said, you can change names, turn 'God' into 'gods', and take out/add certain parts. Definitely do that.

Some of the Bible stories have really good plots and making an outline based off a Bible story plot could net yourself a very good game story.
To the original poster:
In my humble opinion you should have more confidence in your ideas and produce them as you see fit. Bottom line is nobody's opinion has much value, including mine, compared to your own or God's. If you think its a good idea and you will offend the universe, go for it. Or if you think its a good idea and it won't offend anybody, go for it. People need more backbones to live in this world. I don't have much time for worrying about offending people because the truth is.... I will. Not much I can do about that.

Be confident, get it done. :)

(a Christian) :)

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