
[4e6]Is the game will be judged on that Minimum System Requirements PC

Started by October 04, 2007 09:15 PM
10 comments, last by Liam M 16 years, 11 months ago
It's hard to make a a well-looked 3D game to fit such an old graphics card FX5900 (I don't want to put all my time on optimization). Can I make the game just executable on that Minimum System Requirements and let the game bravo on a well armed PC. What's more, any one know how many render targets supported on FX5900 ? thanks.
You're joking right?
I personally would pay more attention to games, which run on older PC's in an adequate speed. And isn't it more challenging to optimise your 3D engine to fit a slower graphics card? What, if you have stunning graphics, but no more computation time to incorporate real time physics, AI and other stuff? Think about the explosions - debris collides with structure/landscape, particle smoke effects, ragdoll animation... You need time to calculate all these stuff. Graphics is not everything.
Last time judges did not reveal exact specifications of their machines... do not expect it this time.

Besides, you want as many people as possible playing your creation, don't you?
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But I also hope to let my game very extremely, you know what I mean right ? ^_^
Quote: Original post by DeeFar
But I also hope to let my game very extremely, you know what I mean right ? ^_^

Absolutely no one is stopping you from making any game you want. The problem is submitting that game for a contest which, because it is a contest, gives rules that must be followed. Some of those rules are fairly arbitrary. Others are practical: the minimum specifications are likely due to certain judges using older hardware. If you don't want to follow those rules then either: make the game and sell it; make the game and give it away for free; make the game and find a different contest that will accept your submission; give up now.

Those are your options: choose wisely.

C++: A Dialog | C++0x Features: Part1 (lambdas, auto, static_assert) , Part 2 (rvalue references) , Part 3 (decltype) | Write Games | Fix Your Timestep!

Quote: Original post by DeeFar
But I also hope to let my game very extremely, you know what I mean right ? ^_^
No. I really don't.

I've got a GeForce 4 so if it runs on my comp, I'm safe.
To be honest I think the OP has a valid question. The FX series were fairly crappy with shaders, and being that my machine is much more powerful, it would be hard for me to gauge how it would run on an FX.

I know there are merits to running on older hardware, and I know a lot of the games being made will run on much older machines even, but Since this is a hobbyist contest without access to testing machines and such, it means I have to do guesswork on how my game would run on that machine. And as the OP said, we dont have a large developer team, or a lot of time, to spend on optimization.

So all in all, I'd say that I would prefer it if the card was a 6800 or something, I mean the FX is like 4 years old which is pretty ancient in computer terms. But I do realize it is what it is and I will have to work with that. But it does make it difficult for me to tell how my game would run.

I know games aren't all about graphics, but I have some technologies that I'd like to use that I've been working on in my spare time for the past 6 months or so, and it would suck if I cant use them because it would run like crap on a FX. I really dont know if it would or not, and that is the issue for me.
How about get a demo out before the deadline, and get people to test it out and post the specs. I am sure their are people here that gave crappy graphics card who would test it out for you, and tell you how it runs. I know some people did that last year.


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