
[4E6] Ogu (daily updates)

Started by October 01, 2007 09:55 PM
15 comments, last by yckx 16 years, 11 months ago
Name: Ogu - Master of Sword and Brush (unofficial name) Basic Overview: An ancient evil has risen... A noble warrior has been selected... Now the fate of the world rests in the hands of an unlikely hero... Ogu; hes in accounting.. The Plot: After being selected by the ancestral spirits to protect the world, Ogu has been thrown through time to battle the ancient evil known as Warui that threatens his world. To defeat this foe, Ogu must first master Kendo (the way of the sword), then Ki (the way of the spirit) and finally Bushido (the way of the warrior). Only with these three elements at his side will he be able to protect his world from the evil rising to destroy it. The Elements: Crystals: As Warui's malignant army grows in size, he begins calling upon the ancient magics used to forge the known world. However, after forging the world, the elders of the Yayoi era forced the magics into a powerful orb. To further protect these powers, the elders then shattered the orb into a thousand fragments. These crystals now must be protected from the hand of Warui. Accountants: Ogu (the main character) is an employee of Sansue, an accounting firm in southern Japan. He works on the fourth floor in cubicle 73A. Ponies: Ogu, after befriending the swordsmiths daughter, uses his wit and cunning to "borrow" the swordsmiths pony - and at a good interest rate too! Explosions: -unsure- Some Work in progress images: Title Screen updated: Character Concept/Sketch - Ogu in Corp-casual: Sprite Depository: I will be posting some of my sprites here for comments/criticism. Lantern Sprite Sword Sprite Tileset Samples An sample of my outdoor tileset. Not finished yet. I'm open to all suggestions, so feel free to let me know what you think! [Edited by - Herio-san on October 5, 2007 7:36:38 PM]
Quote: To defeat this foe, Ogu must first master Kanji (the way of the sword)

Somehow, I've always thought that the way of the sword is called Kendou ^_^
You know somethin? You're absolutely right... lol. Kendo is the way of the sword and kanji is a writing style. Thats a little ironic (seeing how I didnt mean to make the mistake, but the title of the game is Master of sword and brush). Anyway, Imma fix that, thanks.
I like the story and art direction, hijouni nippon no youna mono da yo! (Forgive me if that translates poorly)
Nice artwork! Did you use photoshop for the art? The trees, background fog and use of red contrasted with dark really jump out.

I like this story line...especially the accountant in cubical 73A. ;D Sort of a Dilbert type by day...


Kudos for the japanese aspects. Really looking forward to seeing gameplay with this one. Title screen is looking very good, nice contrasting. If your wanting to be 100% japanese with your terms then I suggest you use the romaji "Ki" instead of "Chi". Chi or 'Qi' is the chinese way of spelling spirit force.
Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Those are some sexy trees in the back. I love this idea.
Quote: Original post by Jazonxyz
Those are some sexy trees in the back. I love this idea.

I will second that. The title screen is fantastic in most respects. Only thing I would suggest is the title doesn't match well and the choice box maybe could use something to spice it up. Everything else is dead on so don't change them.

------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork
Wow, thanks for all the help everyone! I've replaced chi with Ki now and I greatly appreciate all the feedback.

In response to chuckbo2006's question:
Yes, I did use photoshop to create the title screen. I'm planning on giving the game a "Sin city" type of look (for those of you who have seen the movie) by implimenting colors with high contrasts to imphasize important things and using midtones to display things of lesser importance (ie: backgrounds, etc.)

In response to Goober King's comment:
Thanks, it means alot to know you guys like the way it looks. I was actually doodling on my calculus notes today in class to try and come up with a way to replace the option box. Im thinking about replacing it with a flag (similar to the one seen on the logo).
I'm also wanting to add a render of the main character, Ogu, (or perhaps some other character) on the loading screen near the sword.

Thanks again to everyone for the great feedback!

Still trying to figure out what style of game I want to make (ie. sidescroller, isometric, etc.) Not to mention I'm still trying to figure out the extent at which I want to incorporate the colors. I'm open to all suggestions though, so feel free to let me know what you guys think.

[Edited by - Herio-san on October 3, 2007 7:04:35 PM]
Quote: Original post by Herio-san
Wow, thanks for all the help everyone! I've replaced chi with Ki now and I greatly appreciate all the feedback.

In response to chuckbo2006's question:
Yes, I did use photoshop to create the title screen. I'm planning on giving the game a "Sin city" type of look (for those of you who have seen the movie) by implimenting colors with high contrasts to imphasize important things and using midtones to display things of lesser importance (ie: backgrounds, etc.)

In response to Goober King's comment:
Thanks, it means alot to know you guys like the way it looks. I was actually doodling on my calculus notes today in class to try and come up with a way to replace the option box. Im thinking about replacing it with a flag (similar to the one seen on the logo).
I'm also wanting to add a render of the main character, Ogu, (or perhaps some other character) on the loading screen near the sword.

Thanks again to everyone for the great feedback!

Still trying to figure out what style of game I want to make (ie. sidescroller, isometric, etc.) Not to mention I'm still trying to figure out the extent at which I want to incorporate the colors. I'm open to all suggestions though, so feel free to let me know what you guys think.

Off the top of my head I would suggest using color like a mood ring showing emotion. Red would be anger and death. Cool colors calm. Though at that point your talking about taking players on an "emotional adventure" which could be a big task given the time frame.

When I was younger I always wanted to make a B&W game with some color splashes. We only had like 256 colors back then and it made nice cartoony graphics or photo realistic black and white. Use about 128-200 b&w colors and a couple of color runs for the rest. Funny that now we have all the colors in the rainbow and are throwing them way. I see hundreds of photos a month using the concept. Should have done it, I would have been a flippin' genius.

------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork

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