
[4E6] Libertine

Started by September 28, 2007 01:54 AM
71 comments, last by XDigital 16 years, 6 months ago
Am not sure, if you can see the white dots in the following picture. If you take a magnifier, you might see the bullets of the railgun floating in space. Again I tried to load ressources from external file to keep the code clean from hardcoded stuff. Tomorrow I try to update the collision detection. Its time to see something explode!

In addition I made some quick meshes for the ammunition. I know that rockets dont need wings in free space, but they look much more like rockets with these little tips. Hey, there are Ponys flying around... what did you expect?

Looks good. Probably means that it will be fun to empty out a rail gun clip into spaceships in combat. :)
Guess what!

Element Number 3.

p.s. you see the particles untextured, unblended and uncolored - but you see an explosion!

Dev Blog

[Edited by - XDigital on January 19, 2008 4:55:07 PM]
looks very nice! i only wish you will finish it this year [smile]
me too... me too...
Now you know why I'm afraid of not finishing everything right in time: The following pictures took me two (2!) evenings:

The exported texture from Wings3D (tiles scaled, rotated, arranged and combined)

The scanned drawing with slight modifications in the Gimp

The mule with its new coating, looks a bit like... well... you know Sesamestreet? The little red monster, is it Elmo? living in a room made from drawings... Frack, I don't care!

Keep on rocking, dudes.

Dev Blog
Oh, very nice.
Nearly one week without a visual update. Yes, I spent too much time in front of EVE-Online and Civ4. But work on Libertine has to continue. At the beginning of this contest I had hopes to win... Now, I only want to finish it...

OK, am standing in front of the last playable item: The ship upgrades. But to buy or sell upgrades, I need tons of more meshes and textures. Here are two of the final upgrades, which can be bought in stations and on planets (see below).

Player can than:
Mine crystals and sell them
Buy and sell trading goods
Shoot spaceships and gain bounty
Increase or decrease faction standing
Fly missions to continue in storyline
Upgrade his/her ship or buy a new one

Thats it for the game features. Only outstanding (coding) work is the control law, that enemy ships can target the player (or others) and fight in space - yes, and some small bugfixes. After this, I "only" have to write a story for 4 factions (10 missions each), balance the universe, draw textures, implement the impressive soundtrack from my team mate and some more eyecandy. 2 monthes remaining...

Dev Blog
Very nice work! I can't wait to see a released version :)
Made a new video with the latest status. The visuals are not very different compared to the status 3 months ago, but lines of code evolved from ca 5000 to 30000.

present status
Video 2

status at beginning of coding
Video 1

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