
[4E6] Libertine

Started by September 28, 2007 01:54 AM
71 comments, last by XDigital 16 years, 6 months ago
Work on spaceship class started. From now on the pony is included at least as const char *.
Head up display with advanced features upgraded and the player spaceship state values are now visible (i.e. velocity change, hyperdrive charge, shield, structure).

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Lots of code updates during the last week. No really big visible progress, but the logbook, which has first options to browse planets and bases and will be enhanced with quests, player stats, cargo, ships and weapons.
See two images below, one outside Holstein and one image with the main trading and quest screen. A dummy ship can be seen, too.

I feel myself so little.

My team mate finished his work on the quest class. Well, his code is kinda top level c++. - My code is a piece of shit against it...

But hey, we now have a custamizable solar system with planets and space stations coming from text files and in addition (*proudly presents*) we have a customizable quest system with quests coming also from text files (if I understand how to trigger the quest class instances correctly). Remeber "WC Secret Missions"? No problems with this from now on.

Keep on rocking, dudes. We meet in space.
This is the result of my whole evening: Finding a tool to create movies on Ubuntu, understanding the interface, casting from ogg to avi and uploading it.

The resolution is ugly and the framerate low due to the recorder. What you see is a fly through the asteroid belt and a descent on Holstein.
Very sluggish progress this week. I just finished the warp sequence with a "render to texture" of the whole scene. The image is mapped onto a grid which is deformed with a 1-cos function. Looks nice. Introduced nebulas, where the player can mine elements, used to manufacture upgrades. Nebulas are the places, where crystals are.
Finally I found a good mesher app during the weekend: Wings3D. I think it is much stronger than Milkshape and similar in use.

Newly implemented warp sequence...

The Hay Nebula...

...and the Pellet Nebula

...modified the blend function a little bit and added *tadaa* the first element: crystal mesh number one.
You see the mesh in Wings3D

and the same mesh in game in the nebula

[Edited by - XDigital on November 1, 2007 4:36:10 PM]
...finished some more meshes...

you might remember: The Pony class light spaceship

and its big brother: The Blooded class heavy figther

the backbone of all traders: The Mule

the proud of each army: The Workhorse, flagship

and finally one of the newly meshed stations (I switched to wings3d with all meshes and skipped the milkshape stuff)

I must say that your graphics, models and screen shots look great! I like your reference to 'ponies'. =)

How about the other elements? I can understand explosions. Are you including accountants or accounting?

Keep up the great work.


I planned to include accountants in the storyline. There are 4 factions with each a different story/quest line but a combined ending. E.g. when you start the career as a pirate, your missions and quests are different to those of a miner. But the climax of each story is the final battle, at which all factions take part.
The graphics, textures, meshes look great so far..

I'm just wondering.. You said you were using wings3d and openGL..
Is it possible that you're exporting a file from wings3d, and using it as a mesh in openGL..? If so, could you tell how is that done, or maybe a link to online help to do that..?

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