
Direct3D SDK

Started by December 30, 1999 06:55 PM
8 comments, last by DoubleDose 25 years, 2 months ago
I feel for you. *lots of comfort*

How long till you get your own credit card?

Try getting it from a friend or contacting someone at microsoft to place an order for it through their sales personnel.(Not that I know this would work but hey it is worth a try)


Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Downloading is NOT out of the question.
I downloaded the whole SDK with GetRight on my 56k modem in about 7 hours(i left the computer alone, and went out). It really isn't that hard.
There are many places where you can download the sepearted files needed. So you don't need th whole 128 MB ........

and just download it file by file.......

Dance with me......

Sinse being able to download this is out of the question (damn my slow connection!) I was wondering if it is available to buy in stores, or is it only available to purchase online. Buying things online is genereally a problem because my parents are moraly against it for some reason. Thanks.
C++ Builder 4.0 is MINE!!!! I'm on my way!
If you don't mind being out of date, sometime you can get an old copy of it with some programming books or the like.
I pity the fool. I got it in just under 30 minutes on my cable connection--just the length of time for one Simpsons episode.
We don''t want to hear it, acw.
You know life before ADSL was so 20th century. I had to say it.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Wow, spiffy new boards. You think they''re done
messing around with them now?
Maybe you already know this, but MS has a fax
form that you fill out (and don''t send over the
Internet) and fax to them to get the SDK:
If thats still no good, and you really are on a 300
baud modem (If you can outtype your modem, it''s time
for a new modem...) You might go to borders and see
if any of the DirectX books come with the SDK on their
CD (though you''d have to buy the book too)
I didn''t see anywhere on MS''s web site to order by
phone. Bah to them! :)
(Guess they''re not done with the boards, I had my
username filled out and it didn''t work last time)
Anyway I meant to say that I managed to fit the
SDK on half a zip disk, minus the Doc, Extras, and
Samples folders (which amount to like 80 megs), so
if you have a friend with the SDK on their machine
and a ZIP drive you could do that.
Lets see if it remembers who I am this time...
Good luck!

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