
programming contest suggestion

Started by April 23, 2001 12:48 PM
49 comments, last by griffenjam 23 years, 9 months ago
Well if you all are serious about the contest i could probably work out hosting on the site or something like that just a suggestion and wont have to deal with a shit load of banners. Just email me at and we can set something up if your still interested.

Chris Chance - AKA Phantam
Fire Impression Gaming
Co-Founder and WebDeveloper
Regards--Chris Chance - AKA PhantamFire Impression GamingCo-Founder and WebDeveloper
Well if you all are serious about the contest i could probably work out hosting on the site or something like that just a suggestion and wont have to deal with a shit load of banners. Just email me at and we can set something up if your still interested.

Chris Chance - AKA Phantam
Fire Impression Gaming
Co-Founder and WebDeveloper
Sign me up^^ My Email is

I''ve never played the tank game before, but it sounds like a good one to me.
Hmm, will we have to do the art ourselves, or will there be a ready-made tileset for each project? Or do we just rip tiles from other games? Dustin_00''s idea sounds good, but starting off a programming contest with art doesn''t sound like it''d work too well. I say aquire tiles in any way possible. Rip, draw, generate with lines and circles and stuff, render in 3D, whatever you want as long as the actual engine functions like it should^^
And that gives me another idea, advanced people could do the whole project in 3D if they want to, or a mix of 2D and 3D. That''d make things more interesting^^


DK Art (my site, which has little programming-related stuff on it, but you should go anyway^_^)
Also, I think I should bring this up. My schedule has become a lot more full than I meant it to, so if I were to do a minigraphics wrapper, it would take me quite a while . Sorry about my schedule changes, it would probably be best to have someone else write one (if you still think that graphics would be good) with my current state.

Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!
My $0.02:

No base code. Start with the simple tic-tac-toe example and have folks write from scratch.

Take the results and have visitors vote on:
1) gameplay/looks - i.e. which is the most fun to play

2) technical merit - which source code is the cleanest/best. You might have to have a few ''official'' judges for this.

3) size/speed

Then take the top couple of programs and provide the sourcecode/ resources so everyone else can learn from them. This way they only learn from the good stuff.

Making the source code/resources open should be a condition of the contest.

Then as you move towards more complicated contests the entrants can draw from the previous entries if need be.

I like that
- Flanders -
I never meant it to be required to use the simple gamelib, only that newbies should have the possibility to use it.


For space, how about looking into sourceforge ? Don''t know how they would react to contests though, but if you do get space, lots of space you could get over there.

In Fact you get a lot of support on sourceforge, you get even anonymous ftp space to store your zip files, if only somehow you can get space from them. They have to approve of the project.

Hello from my world
Sign me up. My email is websp

Actually, I just finished a Tic Tac Toe game as my final project for CmpSci class. As for other games that could be done, how about a simple roguelike? Something only a few weapons and enemies, nothing large, just the basics.

Another contest could be like developement tools, basically smaller parts of a bigger game, like a map editor or something.

What languages would be available? Would it just be C/C++ or will Java or VB or anything else be an option?

Finally, you could add an option that instead of uploading the program to your site, the person could link to it on their own site. Not everyone could do this (not everyone has a website) but some will be, and that could help cut down on stuff being loaded to your site.

Would documentation be necessary? I think it could really help newbies out if they cold read a design doc along with the code. Maybe set up some design doc guidelines.

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[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

One idea I have for designing smaller parts of a game is for AI.
What I''m think is after a contest, take the winner and (with permission) modify the source so that the main AI can be done in one function call like
doAI(anything needed goes here);

The contest would be to make the best AI, in the game that won the previous month.

This, of corse, will be limited by the type of game that was done in the previous month, but it would be cool to do sometimes.

Also, I''d like to see as few downloaded wrappers as possible, I say this because this is supposed to be for learning and if something requires a wrapper that a newbie may not use or may not be able to use then it really doesn''t help them. I don''t mind home made wrappers though (I know I will use mine).

Jason Mickela
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