
Laptop Battery Life?

Started by September 05, 2007 09:16 PM
1 comment, last by Ravyne 17 years, 1 month ago
I got a new laptop and today, after charging the battery to full, I got about an hour and a half out of the battery. Is that normal? It is a pretty strong laptop, dedicated geforce go 7600 and dual core amd... Is that right though? 1.5 hours? and that's with it set on "Battery Saver" power mode...
It all depends on the laptop and size of the battery. What's the model and we could better answer your question.
That might be pretty typical for that laptop, depending on what you were doing. If you were running 3D software (playing games), or doing something that has a lot of disc access (installing software, watching movies, listening to a CD), that will drag down battery life because running the graphics or disc at full tilt causes additional power consumption.

If you aren't doing either of those things you'll get more battery life than when you are. Many laptops last closer to 3 hours typically, but "power laptops" like yours is leaning toward tend to have shorter battery lives.

I had a small laptop running a Pentium M 1.6 Dothan and integrated intel graphics, which would get about 3-3.5 hours on the standard battery, and 5-5.5 hours on the extended life battery I bought.

You may be able to find and purchase an extended life battery for your laptop that might give you an extra hour or so. You may also be able to fiddle with your graphics settings to conserve power. If you're running Windows Vista, try turning desktop compositing off and using the basic desktop if you can live without it, it *might* give you a little battery life back.

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