
XBOX 360 to PC hook up?

Started by August 27, 2007 02:01 AM
1 comment, last by Ravuya 17 years, 1 month ago
Being the hardcore PC gamer that I am, I have a harder time getting into many games (primarily FPS's) unless it involves keyboard and mouse control and a monitor three feet from my face. So, I was wondering if anyone else has made such an awesome setup to get an idea of just how effective it is. The other question is, are you able to configure the keyboard controls the way you want with every game or is it up to the devs to support it in the games? I would love to play Gears of War and many other hot 360 titles without the PC performance problems. -Thanks
i have the XFPS.

Here is the deal:
The controller maps directly to the keyboard and you can only have one setup. The X360 thinks it is still a controller. Your PC is not involved with the operation of this device (could possibly write a program which would do this and you wouldnt need the XFPS, maybe).

I got mine around christmas and it has a dead zone (as all did then and probably still do). You have to move the mouse above a certain speed to get a response. Its not a massive problem but it is noticable. It requires you to make slightly jerky movements. It is more obvious with diagonal movements.
You can use the keyboard and the controller at the same time.
You need a wired controller to get it working (the charger wire doesnt work).
The controller must be initially plugged in to get it running.
You cant use the keyboard as a keyboard (some games have keyboard support for txt messages).
The mouse model can effect the deadzone. High dpi can cause problems. (or so i hear, i only have 1 mouse).
Moving the mouse very fast can cause uncontrolled turning for the duration of the mouse-move.
It doesnt work well with all games because of sensitivity.
Occasionally, for reasons i can't remember, the device goes funny and the mouse somehow controls the d-pad. But this is rare, fixable and avoidable once you suss it out.
You cant use the wired headset (unsure about wireless headset).

In Ghost Recon: AW i couldn't get the sensitivity high enough to turn quickly.
It worked well in GOW.
Ok in Quake 4.
Didnt work too well in Halo2, big deadzone, maybe because its an xbox game.
I think the dead zone is effected by software (but i could be wrong). You could do some XNA programming to check it out.
One of the biggest benefits is the freedom to jump while aiming.
For example: In halo2 'Green' is jump and right stick is aim (not sure if you can change it, but neway) so you have to let go of the aim stick to jump. Youll never have this problem with a keyboard/mouse.

I got a switchbox so i can switch between PC and X360. This works fine.

I am unaware of any further developements since I bought mine.

Realistically, its a waste of time. Single player games will be easier (esp.GOW) and the fun factor of multiplayer games is governed by crap hosts(lag) and squeeling teens. You wont get away with playing against your friends with this setup especially if it gives you a significant advantage (unless you lie).

GOW is coming to pc. I wish I had never bought the X360 or the XFPS.

This version has sensitivity adjustment wheels.

[Edited by - RivieraKid on August 27, 2007 8:29:19 AM]
As for monitors, just do what I do and plug your 360 into your PC speakers and monitor (using a VGA cable).

One of my Samsungs has a VGA and DVI port and a little button on the front to switch between the inputs, so I can toggle it between PC (DVI) and 360 (VGA) whenever I need to.

Only problem is, the Y-adaptor I'm using to connect the 360 to my PC speakers only has one channel of audio (the left) so I have to make a trip to Radio Shack to get a proper one.

The "XFPS" adaptors and other stuff are pretty much a clever hack; it's hard to change a position-based device (the mouse) into a vector based device (the joystick) easily.

Moving to hardware.

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