
3D Landscape Map Storage

Started by December 04, 1999 10:02 AM
0 comments, last by D 25 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I'm curently making a 3d RTS game which will utilise a 3d terrain for the units to use. And I have one small problem. I am unsure of which way to store the map. It will be made of triangles wholly, so one idea is to store the height values for each point (They all make a grid) and then store the additional terrain information for each triangle, I'm wondering if anyone ahs a better way of storing this data, if so then please tell me

(No code necessary) - Thanks in Advance

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Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
That's exactly how I did it for E-mersion ( ), and how most landscapeengines do it. And IMO, unless you're using a dynamic perlin-noise map or other parametric defined terrains, you're best off doing it the way you just described.


Willem H. de Boer
Programmer, Davilex Game Dev. Deparment

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