"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
![Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!](http://druidgames.warfactory.com/Out_Source/resist.jpg)
Original post by TheGecko
Show me some C++ IDE for example that even comes CLOSE to Visual C++ in terms of ease of use and functionality.Linux programmers tend to use text editors and command line compilers most of the times. (I know,I''ve seen linux programmers in the labs at our University) And I love the windows architecture.And I for one thing cannot live without MFC in my day to day programming.I rely heavily upon it to create great win apps with great userinterfaces etc.
From a user/programmer point of view,proprietary stuff from Microsoft implies standardisation.
MS provides me with everything I''ll ever want!
Now whether you want to admit it or not,you NEED these large corporations. How else would you get your processor or monitor or whatnot?
Original post by Buster
>>So the quality of software is equivalent to how much money you make ?
Soon people will be asking questions like "Daddy why did people ever use Linux?" and saying things like "Linux was only used by perverts looking for kiddie-pr0n, Johnny."
Original post by Epolevne
FYI, Win2k SP2 is in beta right now.
NaV: What are your issue''s with .NET? I''d think most linux people would be happy if MS makes a .NET port for linux. For me, I''d love to write one set of code and have it compile on both windows and linux.
Original post by TheGecko
PS I''m not anti linux.I actually have a Linux box here running my home network and connecting all my computers to the internet and I also have nothing against open source software (incase you''re wondering)