
Question for EWQL symphonic orchestra

Started by August 05, 2007 06:55 PM
12 comments, last by mPietro 17 years, 5 months ago
I have a x-fi elite pro. I needed a card for gaming and audio creation... I know it's not the best for mixing but, it will do for now. I'm gonna see if I can possibly roll back that update I did on the D2D... I think that's what messed it up... Any clue how to do that?
I've been working with x-fi music for a year now (changing it tomorrow), but I've never had any problems like you described.

Try reinstalling your software. Also check for your card latency in Cubase, set it to 100ms and see if it does something. I have mine set to 20ms and it's fine, so you shouldn't have problems either.

What hdd's do you use?

- Piotr
_________________________www.piotrmusial.comoriginal music for media
Well I've seemed to fix that problem by adjusting some of the settings in D2D...that fixed it. But now I have a NEW problem. I was exporting some songs from cubase by doing the audiomixdown in an 8-bit .wav format at 41k. Everything was fine... I did some adjustments to a midi instrument (nothing special just velocity) and exported again... Now there's a constant fuzz in the background. I exported in 16-bit and it was even worse. WHY ME?!

Anyways, I tried muting every instrument 1 by 1 to see if it's a single instrument problem. Nope, it's a general midi problem. Any ideas on a fix?

***EDIT It's not a midi problem... I imported a plain audio file and exported it and it is fuzzy on that one as well. Seems to be a recording problem.
***EDIT lol okay, after hours of trying to fix the problem goes away if I set the resolution (bit rate) to a very high quality(24 or greater) otherwise it's fuzzy. Ideas?

[Edited by - PwnedByRyan on August 7, 2007 11:49:41 PM]
I wouldn't go lower than 16 bit and 44.1 kHz - it's simply CD quality.

- Piotr
_________________________www.piotrmusial.comoriginal music for media

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