Quote: Original post by Professor420
Ah, I think I see what you mean. How do you accomodate for the texture stretching and disproportions when texture painting? Well, its something you just do as you texture, since you always work on your texture with your model constantly updating to check your work. You also use mesh topology to guide your textures (represented in the UV snapshot), so you know where the nose is, you know where the ear is, etc. You can also use a built-in 3dpaint tool to mark landmarks like this and do rough texture layout (as opposed to using a 3dpaint tool to make your actual texture). Is that what you mean? Regardless, I think the best thing for you would be to go over a complete character tutorial- model, UV, texture, in that order, and it will give you a better idea maybe.
That's actually more along the lines of what I'm talking about. Most of what I've read about glosses over any details regarding this. I'm pretty sure the only real help is just to try it until you have enough experience, but any tips, pointers, techniques, and the like on the theory behind it is what I'm searching for.
Another fact I'd like to understand better - are these types of textures typically done entirely on the digital end? Or is it not uncommon to draw/paint a real piece, scan in and touch up?