
bottle in my pc?

Started by July 10, 2007 11:49 PM
3 comments, last by Ezbez 17 years, 2 months ago
could anyone help me and tell me if my specs are a little odd?i feel there is a bottleneck in my pc specs...p4c800-e deluxe 2.4ghzs northwood 533fsb overclocked at 2.26ghzs,333mhzs ddr2700 ram,mx4000 128mb agp,running 150gb raptor 10k hard drive,the ram is in single channel 512mb,this is my first forum,sorry if it is cloppy
You know, this site is for game developers, not just random people who fall off the train and want to get computer help.
So if i understood correctly you have a GeForce 4 mx4000? I think your system could gain much out of a newer graphics card like an ATI 9800. The mx models are too underpowered. As an example, a GeForce 2 mx200 is a bit slower than an asus GeForce256, from my own experience. I suppose you are talking about game performance. Actually your pc is generally a bit outdated, you may want to start saving for a new one :P
:P figured it was the video card,yeah as for a new system,kinda will take a while,just nee domsething to lasta good 3 months till i have enought money for core duo2,i wanna game on it,yeah,my pc is kinda outdated,no one could say it aint,lol,but i rarely do much,regular internet/music,multimedia,so i have few problems,figuredmaybe a 6200 would do fine,i overclock alot and feel that bottleneck:P yet i aint spending much on this 478 since it is useless in doing so
Really, don't bother upgrading if you're going to buy a new one in three months. Really. If you were to upgrade any one part, you'd just be bottlenecked by the rest of the machine. Wait the three months and spend that $40 on more RAM or something for your new computer. If you've lived with that computer all this time, you can live with it for another three months.

And to let you know, yes a 6200 is a lot faster than you're current system, but it still can't run the latest games on anything but totally horrible settings. If you're looking to play older games on it, it will run well, but then you should just wait it out with your mx4000.

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