
3D galaxy model

Started by April 05, 2007 01:37 PM
8 comments, last by WorldPlanter 17 years, 9 months ago
Hello, Does anybody know where to find free 3D galaxy model (for example, Milky Way) in the Internet. I have searched a lot of sites, but didn't find anything. Thanks in advance
Stellarium has a star database, maybe you can use that:

Some other links:
Thanks for answer, nmi.

But is there a possibility to find a free 3DS model in the internet?
Quote: Original post by Montynis
Thanks for answer, nmi.

But is there a possibility to find a free 3DS model in the internet?

a model an an entire galaxy...? mostgames use particle effects for such things. i can't really think of an easy/possible way to make a low poly galaxy.

-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
Effects is a good way for doing that. I am searching for such stuff also.

For example, does anybody know free alternatives to these examples:
Free and high quality? If you aren't going to spend the time to make it yourself, than you can either find something free, or find something quality, but not both.

The turbosquid model looks pretty straightforward though, just lay out some paths that spiral out from the center and use them to confine particles. I haven't done much with particles, but if you're looking for a 3DS file, I'm assuming you have Max, which should be more than capable of constraining particle emissions or fields to a local path.

Another option would be to build a double-sided primitive so you could texture the outside and inside, allowing for the majority of the skin to be an alpha texture and having the stars on the opposite side show through.

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Quote: Original post by Montynis
Effects is a good way for doing that. I am searching for such stuff also.

For example, does anybody know free alternatives to these examples:

This is bad model. It doesn't have 6 logarithmic spirals and a bar.

BTW 3D model made from polygons? I hope not, galaxy is sum of stars, not a sum of polygons.
Well, I have found the other source which as I see is much better:

But 3D models are in .pz3 format. Does anybody know a converter for this type to .X or .3ds?

.pz3 is a poser model format, i am not sure if it can be converted and used.
but like other people and i have said, you can't make a galaxy model from actual polygonal goemetry that will run in a game. only way to do a galaxy in a game is from partical effects or semi-crappy alpha planes.
and because a galaxy is such a tricky thing to make, any models you find online are probably using special functions of each program they were made for, or they will be too high poly. meaning you just can't take a galaxy model made in 3ds max, that is using 3ds max glow post effect, and 3ds max's partical system and simply convert it to a game model. you'll probably have to make a special galaxy type partical system to use in your engine and as someone else said give it some way to conform to the spirl shape, like using splines for example.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert
Do you have to have a 3d model of the galaxy?

Unless you need it as a map that the player interacts with to choose navigation points or look up information on star systems you should be able to get away with simply doing it as a skybox. Unlike anything you've ever seen on TV or in the movies, you can't travel toward, away, or around a galaxy fast enough to detect any motion or parallax effects that would necessitate a 3d model.

If you could travel fast enough for motion to be detected with the galaxy fully in view then it would become a massive red or blue blur of light depending on whether you're heading toward or away from it. You probably have heard this phenomena referred to as redshift. So if it's simply an in-game background element a high-res well painted skybox is your best route. You also won't be able to detect any movement of stars if you're sitting still because most take several hundred million years to complete one revolution around the galactic center.

If you need the galaxy as an interactive 3d map using a particle system in conjunction with small geometric spheres for key locations will be your best route.

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