volumetric fog (FlyFire)
Implement it as vertex fog
F(x, y, z) - integrated by z axis fog function,
for each lighted vertex V.color = alpha*V.color +
(1-alpha)*F(x,y,z). You should render background fog
also... may be render F(x,y,z) into billboard
grid vertices ?
isn't a whole lot out there on the subject. all i can tell you is that i think, if implemented in
realtime, the stencil buffer is used....
The program will use vertex based multi-pass
blending. (Only one pass for the fog, but it can be
layered on top of other passes). I believe this is
how quake3 does it. It's a good solution for decent
quality, flexibility and speed.
The article will discuss a few other ways of doing it.
I hope to expand it to more advanced algorithms,
including animated procedural fog.
I'll post something here when I get it done.
Scott Franke [druid-]
druid-'s GLJournal
some of terms. Can you explain what is stencil buffers?
i heard about them, but didn't find any explanation
rendering, but i was talking about software techniques,
like volumetric fog in Unreal.
Doubling the number of polygons, but it could be worse.
You'll notice that having fog in scene will slow down
the Unreal engine quite a bit (check the fps on the
opening shot). I'm not sure what technique they used,
but I'm trying to find out.
I'm not familiar with any volumetric fog techniques
that use the stencil buffer. Do you have an example
of one?
u can precalculate a set of map (it will be one -
parametrical) and between the map use linear
blending; the corresponding (to From ->To vectors) map
applied to object either as second texture or as
quad + stencil (here is a stencil buffer)template.