

Started by February 24, 2007 06:58 PM
433 comments, last by sirGustav 17 years ago
I'm a big fan of the elements this year! Their quirkyness is really going to challenge my imagination. Godo work superpig.

[Edited by - think_different on September 27, 2007 12:58:18 PM]
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
I think the elements are fine, but I don't know if I've got the time for it at this point, but I might try.

I feel like someone was watching
">Charlie the Unicorn
when they thought of the pony idea.
-----------------------------If pi is used to find the dimensions of a pie,Is cak used to find the dimensions of a cake?
Here are just a few game designs that came into my mind on the way home:

You work as an accountant and you are too ugly. Your coworkers are to busy saying "nawww" that they don't have time to work. Naturally you have to take the cuteness out of the ponies or your head will explode. You do this by slaying them and pickup the cuteness crystals from their bodies. These crystals can then be sold for massive amounts of profit. Cartoony platformer with humor.

You are a cute pony and evil accountants have stolen the world crystals, causing the world break down in explosions. Get those crystals back before it is too late.
Platformer for children.

You are going home from business trip. There is a terrorist on your plane home, (s)he detonates and there is a big explosion. When you wake up a fellow passenger has dragged you out of the wreck and the plane appears to have crashed down into some burial ground/digging place/archaeological site there is no way to get back up through the hole and you can't get any signal down there. You and your newfound friends have to go through the "burial ground" place to get to the top. Someone mentions that "their daughter said some time ago: 'dad/mom follow the ponies - they'll guide you home' I didn't get it at that time". Your newfound friends could all be accountants and when they die, others might say like "I'll miss him he didn't have to look up anything under paragraph #5"(kinda subtle but hey). You'll also discover a crystal that can keep light for some time(kinda like, only charge your flashlight in light areas). You kan pick up different crystals, one sharp and one blunt. The blunt can be charged more, but the sharp can be used as a weapon.
Survival horror in fps, inspired by "the descent" and "behind the scenes"/"follow the white rabbit" in the matrix dvd release.
I'm probably going to work on this one some more, so please don't steal it ;)
I have a title: Ponies Ripped My Flesh. I don't have a game to go along with it, but at least it's a start.

I really like these elements, by the way.
Quote: Original post by sirGustav
... Ideas ...

You know that you only have to use 3 of the 4 elements, right? [smile]
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
may I suggest you make the accountants explode instead of the ponies? what did a pony ever do to your checkbook huh? think of the ponies!

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Is it alright for an element to be an important part of the story but only a small part of the gameplay?
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
Quote: Original post by think_different
Quote: Original post by sirGustav
... Ideas ...

You know that you only have to use 3 of the 4 elements, right? [smile]
yes I know, but why limit yourself to 3:

You are a ninja and you and your trusty robot-pony are out in Europe to give your nephew the family emblem to remind him of his family. Suddenly zombie-accountants are attacking. Use your pirate sword, hook and your elemental ninja spells(earth, water, wind and fire) to defeat them. Smash those zombie accountants with rocks (and collect the crystals that are inside) or set fire to a barrel and take several out several of them with a big bang. Use the crystals to buy upgrades your pony, sword or spells between levels. By slashing the zombies you can build up rage that gives you access to super-ninja-pirate-robot-pony-elemental-attacks.

Did I miss any?

Quote: Original post by think_different
Is it alright for an element to be an important part of the story but only a small part of the gameplay?

I think superpig said something like: If someone is playing the game and they will tell you that this game is about/involves X then it satisfies that element. Or someone else said that if your producer said that X is the next big thing and told/ordered you to make a game about X.

So I would say yes. Doom3 is about demons and Quake4 is about aliens. Gameplay is roughly(or could be) the same.
You are relaxing in your sunday lazy chair. Slowly you doze off, untill suddenly you accidently drop the newspaper you were trying to read. Your dog runs off in a scare and knocks over the book closet while doing so. while the closet falls it catapults a spoon that was lying on the edge of the table across the room. The spoon pierces the thin walls of your poor home and hits the gas tank. A spark. Boom! gigantic explosion. Your house is destroyed, but you survive without a scratch. In the stable next to your house your beloved pony Puffytails got it's ass scared off and swallowed its neclace you had just given to her. No biggy, one would think. But one day after the big explosion your voodoo mother in law drops by (to make fun of your house, or as she will call it: hole in the ground) and tells you that the flattering pink-and-yellow crystal in the neclace is actually "the diamond of the world" protecting the world as we know it from the four knights of hell and all their minions. The crystal is destroyed when it hits basic media, such as horse sh*t. Any normal being would not care about this, but you just happen to be an accountant who knows paragraph 4 of subsection 19b of the great book of profets (pun intended). this reads: "When earth is destroyed by hell's minions no money shall be available from ignorant taxpayers, hence this event must be avoided".

So you order (or beg) your voodoo mother in law to miniaturize you, and politely request Puffytails to eat you now and lift her tail when you kick her colon twice.

Off to adventure!!!! :)

PS does a textbased game stand any chance in this contest?
Superpig, you are the man. I was worried the elements were going to be worse. These are awesome.

I have the general idea for my game done. Hope everyone puts in a good effort for theirs :D.

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