
Free Spaceship Sprite! Please Give Feedback!

Started by February 19, 2007 07:09 PM
-1 comments, last by KG_Brad 17 years, 11 months ago
Before anybody asks, I never do sprite requests. Sometimes, I'll make a sprite and give it away for free, that's all. I decided to post an old spaceship sprite here for anybody who wants to use it in their game. I've had it on my hard drive for about a month and I'm getting sick of looking at it! No credit is needed though I would appreciate it! Here it is: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting PS. I'm really sorry to come across as a jerk in the beginning of the post. It's just because every time I do this, I get a ton of sprite requests and I can't do all of them. [Edited by - KG_Brad on February 21, 2007 10:20:08 PM]
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