
Do you use C or C++?

Started by December 22, 1999 08:51 PM
7 comments, last by Chappa 25 years, 2 months ago
I'm ashamed to say that I started coding in C++ and missed C out altoghter and as a result I have a fair idea about where C stops and C++ takes over, but not nearly as much as I should have.
I think good object oriented design is incredibly powerful, so consequently I do C++. Perhaps following posts will prove me wrong but it seems to me that I've come across a large number of folks that don't really like it. OO certainly doesn't make sense at first and it can be more difficult to work with but when its well done, especially on a large app, you'll sing its praises. That's my humble experience at least!
I have to say that C++ makes code much easier to understand than straight C. It's much easier to think in terms of objects than a bunch of functions and data strewn all over the place.

Breakaway Games

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

I think you'll find that most game developers know that there are problems with both C and C++. So they use a combination of the two languages commonly refered to as C+. This way they get the benefits of both languages with out also getting the problems that are associated with them.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
I prefer to use C++, although I sometimes use the blend eva mentioned. I also use straight C on occasion for some projects at work.
I use C++ with inline Assembly. I think that's the perfect combination, allowing a high level of abstraction with the low level speed and trickery that can only be accomplished with Assembly. I'm not a master at either language, but if I can't figure out how to do something in one of them, I get it done with the other.

When life hands you lemons, throw them at God's head.

I use C++ for my anything in my code that objects would work well for. For the more procedural stuff I have found that it can be faster to use C to get the job done. Since there is little difference between the conventions used in both languages it can get real fuzzy over just exactly what I am using.

We have found that using the STL is a nasty performance hit on large scale systems. I also rewrote a string class to use a predefined string size so that I could optimize WindowsNT heap usage. I gues my answer would be that I use both C and C++ as Eva mentioned.


ps The decision usually relies on if I have C++ classes that can perform the same as C and still give the object oriented benefits. Cout, cin, and cerr all end up calling the C io functions so in many cases I skip the C++ layer altogether. As mentioned above CString is horribly slow and has been rewritten by my team. These just provide examples of what I stated above.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
I just wondered how many of you use C++ and how many of you are still programming in good old C.
For the most part we use C++, but certain low-level routines are coded in C such as leak detection. And some is in inline assembly.

We use none of the STL classes, instead we've ended implementing similar things in C++ to take advantage of our memory management libraries. The libraries themselves are C, but there are some thunks in C++ that make them operate transparently in C++.

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