
Will it be worth it ??

Started by December 15, 1999 04:17 AM
2 comments, last by Erick 25 years, 2 months ago
If you want to program professionally, its a good thing to know. While you can program professionally with VB, and will be able to for a long time, learning C++ will give your skills more longevity and probably round out your programming knowledge more as well.


Thanks Geoff

These are always the weirdest decisions to make ( hehe )



Hi Folks

I was wondering whether I should go and learn C++ or not. I saw a good C++ book Last night but before I buy it I was wanting to know whether I should go to all the trouble to learn another Language ??

I am a VB programmer, and I realise that it is not as powerful as C++.

Would it be a good background and worth learning ???

I program in VB with DirectX and it is very easy, but would I get more power through C++



In a object orientated point of view, C++ is much more powerful, and this is probably the method for the future. Then you have direct access to everyting, you can grab adress to memory via pointers. Then DirectX is much more developed on the C++ platform.

I would recommed Petzolds "Programming Windows", it´s great.

Gandalf the White

Gandalf the Black

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