Shoot Me Please!!!!!!!
I thought you may have been on to something, but I just ran the DX diagnostic tool and it shows all of the DX7 debug drivers. I did just reinstall Unreal which came with DX5 I believe so maybe that is the problem. I'll just try reinstalling 7 again. Thanks though!
Still Learning...
Still Learning...
Hmmmmm, haven't read the book, but....maybe these files need to have a specific file in a specified directory, or you need to pass the bitmap file as an argument. Just a thought
Dance with me......
Ok, I'm getting extremely frustrated. Using LaMothe's new book and the replacement CD I just received a few days ago, I still can not get a lot of the demos to run. I'm just trying to run the .exe files that were included on the CD to see what some of the programs look like. For example, Chapter 7 examples 7_10 (loads an 8-bit bitmap), 7_11(loads a 24 & converts to 16-bit), & 7_12 (loads a 24 & converts to 32). All 3 of these go to a black screen and I can only see my freakin cursor! Am I the only one having this problem?
By the way, I'm using a Creative TNT2 Ultra. I just dl'd the latest driver and still having the same results. Perhaps someone can try the .exe I have to see if thats the problem? Any help would be appreciated, because I would like to try and use these examples. Thanks!
Still Learning...
Still Learning...
They all seem to work fine on my computer. My cd works fine (original that came with book) I am assuming you are talking about his new windows guru book. They all work fine on my computer. I have a 333 Celeron with a Rage Fury 32 meg card. 17 inch moniter. The programs for me run straight off the cd just fine. There shouldn't be any setup problem. Your video card may just not support it, or worse...directx doesn't support your video card correctly. I have had problems running the cd off of older cd-rom drives. I don't have problems reading using my new cd-burner. I'm not sure what to tell you. You can wright him at "lord_necron" something... Just go to his website at ...He may not offer much help. I had a problem in setting up the compiler for directx....didn't know I had to set a path for the include files...I thought just for the library. He said I had a bad cd...My friend at Redstorm Entertainment helped me and told me exactly my problem when I told him the error I got...Good luck...keep posting for help...
[This message has been edited by BrentP4 (edited November 29, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by BrentP4 (edited November 29, 1999).]
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