
Winmm performance...Aiiieeeeee!!!

Started by November 26, 1999 01:19 PM
1 comment, last by Zer 25 years, 3 months ago
I've never used it (yet), but I hear DirectMusic plays Midi format music.

--If Train A leave San Francisco at 8:30am EST travelling 25mph and Train B leaves Chicago at 1:30pm MST travelling at 40mph, and they're 3000 miles apart when they start, what is the capital of Bulgaria?
My game was running at a nice sweet 32 frames per second on my PC, when what do I do, put music in it. Has anyone else experienced this? My game drops to 11 frames per second the ENTIRE TIME the music is playing. What the hell is up with this? Why is it so slow? If Winmm really uses this much CPU, what replacements can I get that use MIDI? Help help!!
Ive never had problems with MCI for playing midis but if you are then use DirectMusic it works just fine. Theres an example in the SDK docs on how to play midis too.


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