
Tracing Programs?

Started by November 25, 1999 07:37 PM
1 comment, last by Zer 25 years, 3 months ago
In VC++ you go into your project settings and enable profiling. Then all you have to do is re-compile your program and then selete profile from the build menu.

Be sure that you are compiling for debug and not for release.

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Hi, this is a pretty strange question, but is there anything that will profile which functions are using the most CPU time in my program, and perhaps say how much? And such. If so, where are they (Sites to d/l from) or if they come with VC++ how do I get them to work because I cant figure it out for the life of me
Does Borland C++ Builder 4 have this feature as well?

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