I am a litile rusty in asm i dont think i have used it in like 1 or 2 years so bare with my..
D3DVecter o1, o2
i would like to make that in to a asm function
this i was i think is right but i dont know
mov eax,[o1+0]
mul eax
mov edx,eax
mov eax,[o2+0]
mul eax
add edx,eax
mov eax,[o1+4]
mul eax
add edx,eax
mov eax,[o2+4]
mul eax
add edx,eax
mov eax,[o1+8]
mul eax
add edx,eax
mov eax,[o2+8]
mul eax
add edx,eax
;this is where i dont really know
;i have no idea how to do a sqr root in ASM
;but i need it to ret with the sqr of edx
;Thanks for the help
plz dont do it in Inline ASM hehe i am useing vb and i am going to put it in to a dll with MASM or NASM (Dont really know what one will make it runn faster)
sorry for the to posts IE Crashed
Sorry about the Spelling..
Edited by - VBLimits on March 5, 2001 1:40:11 PM