
Tricks Windows Game Prog Gurus (Not a CD ?)

Started by November 19, 1999 01:20 AM
3 comments, last by frizb 25 years, 3 months ago
The first Generation of books (REV 1) had corrupt cd's. If you goto you can contact someone who will be able to send you a new working CD where all the demos should work.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Thanks but that isn't the problem. The CD problem isn't causing the code not to work properly. When I copy the code my demo does the same thing. It crashes.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...
I have a regular TNT2, and most of the demos work fine for me. I did have to download the DirectX SDK because the one on the CD was unuseable. Which demos are you having particular problems with? Do the precompiled ones work, or is just the ones you compile?

Here's a question for everyone that has the Tricks book by LaMothe. Am I the only one that hasn't been able to get a few of the demos to run correctly? The bitmaps load up and I can see them for a split second and then the screen just crashes and goes away. Any help? I knew the 24 bit example wouldn't run for me since I have a TNT2 Ultra but the 16 and 24->32 bit demos crash also. (Chapter 7 I believe, Loading and displaying the bitmaps). This is bumming me out cuz I like a few of the functions in the library he writes but I'm afraid to use them until I can find out why it isn't running.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...

The ones I have problems with are from Chapter 7. The 24-bit loader that converts to 32-bit and the 16-bit loader. (I think its a starship or something like that) The actual .exe crashes after momentarily working. I've compiled the .cpp that goes with it and it crashes too when I try to run it? Are you using the regular driver that came with your card or an updated one? I'm using the last update I found. Maybe I should try the old one.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...

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