
Windows Game Programming

Started by November 18, 1999 01:35 AM
3 comments, last by Slayer-X 25 years, 3 months ago
I would say get "Tricks...." simply because:
1) Its newer and is really an updated version of WGPFD.
2) It has expanded on WGPFD with new chapters covering a wide sort of topics(AI, Physics-Based Modeling,etc)
3) The CD also has 2 additional books to read once you're ready for 3D.

The only thing that left me disapointed was
that my CD had corrupt demo versions of the shareware.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...
Well the only thing i have heard bad about the new guru book is that almost all copys have corrupted files on the CD. Apperently the CD is low quality(pressed instead of burned),mcp is sending out replacment CD's to anyone who needs one luckly.

If you go to to the following website and fill out the form:

they send you a new good CD( of corse free of charge).Be sure to include the ISBN of the book, your name, mailing address, and telephone number to speed up shipment of the remastered CD-ROM.

My new CD is on the way.

I'm starting game programming in windows and need to know what book to get. I've seen tricks of the windows game programming gurus and windows game programming for dummies on here. Which of those should I get or should I get a different one?
Hey thanks. I'll try that again. I did it the week after the book came out but never heard from them again. Then I forgot the site

Still Learning...

Still Learning...

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