
linux - using w32codecs in my own app

Started by September 06, 2006 04:46 AM
1 comment, last by glJack 18 years ago
Hey everyone, is there a way I can use w32codecs package in my own app? I need it to implement streaming textures in OpenGL. If there is a way, then where can I find the appropriate header files and libs? Thanx for any help
Christian Marillat's w32codecs package is a package largely made up of Windows DLL files. The legal status of redistributing the package is debatable. Some IA-32 Linux media players support using the code from these DLLs so that they can decode odd-ball formats. In other words, hopefully you'd be better off using a format for which there's a 'real' codec available.

Look into GStreamer or FFmpeg's libavcodec.
I see, I thought there was a source version of this lib. I'll look at official libs then... thanx

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