
resolution. color depth, and bitmaps

Started by February 27, 2001 11:57 AM
1 comment, last by SirMartel 23 years, 11 months ago
ive been doing the logic for my crpg and now im ready to have my artist start with the art but im not sure what resoltion my screen should be, how many pixels my bitmaps should be and how many colors to use! now all i want are decent 2d iso graphics that will look ok and not send players running away screaming, so with that in mind what are everybody''s suggestions? any sites/articles/whatever that will help with isometric crpg graphics would be the greatest! i appreciate any and all help.
I''m not sure what platform/API you are using but may I suggest 800x600 and a bit depth of 8, maybe even 16 if its possible?
It all depends on limitations, set some then try to stick to em.

Hey! this stuff should be in your design doc!

Isometric graphics are easy to do. For really easy and effective graphics use Paint (I use it sometimes and I recon its under-rated) sure you can use PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro, if you got em. I don''t know of any links off hand...

Anyways good luck!

thanks for the suggestion, ill try it out. im still not sure about tile size but ill give it a go on my own. Im using phot shop pro right now and my artist seems practically in love with it as far as 2d programs go.

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