

Started by November 15, 1999 02:14 PM
1 comment, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
What are you doing searching for cracks in a place like this?

Anyway, if you wan't to make 3d games i would recommend buying some good books on DirectX, both DirectDraw and Direct3D.
If you don't know how to write c++ programs i would recommend you learn that first.

3D game programming isn't easy, it takes very long time to learn and again, it isn't easy.

i`m media designer from berlin and I`M interesting me to make 3d games.But i dont know where i must be starting.Can someone help me to tell me with what a kind of software i'm must to work.Have you "3dgame studio" or "nemo"(krack)?
thanks for ............?
But don't be discouraged.
If you take the time you'll get there.

And don't talk about cracks here.
The writer of that program may show up here...

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