
Problem with Maya 6.5 and NVidia Geforce 6200 TurboCache

Started by July 24, 2006 03:50 AM
1 comment, last by Venthe 18 years, 6 months ago
Hi there I experienced a problem with Maya 6.5 and NVidia Geforce 6200 TurboCache. After launching Maya some controlls seem to be missing i.e. buttons, edit boxes, labels, etc. But in a differenct graphics card i.e NVidia Geforce 2 MX the controlls appear. If anyone has an explanation to this I'll be glad to know it. Thanx.
You didn't need to start a new thread, you could have just replied to my reply in the last one you made.

Sounds like maybe you need to update your graphics drivers. Also, check the graphics card compatibility list on the Maya website. It is one or the other, your drivers or your card.
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Maya's pretty picky when it comes to graphics cards, and even more picky when it comes to their settings (for example, Maya won't even load if you have triple buffering enabled). Try downloading the latest drivers for your card and seehow it fairs, if the problem persists try the omega drivers. If it's still happening, see if it's something you can live with or find a card that's on Maya's compatibility list.

"Nvidia GeForce256, GeForce2, GeForce3, GeForce4 series

There are many cards based on GeForce256, GeForce2, GeForce3 and GeForce4 chipsets. Nvidia and Alias do not recommend these cards for use with Maya as you may experience various refresh, display and stability problems and inadequate performance. We suggest you choose from Nvidia's workstation cards instead, such as the Quadro families which are much better suited to high-end 3D packages such as Maya."

I've heard with some GeForce cards you can flash them to act as Quadros which might clear up the issue, but would lower gaming performance slightly. Hope this was somewhat helpful.

Take care.

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