
What ever happened to originality?

Started by June 27, 2006 01:44 AM
139 comments, last by DuranStrife 18 years, 7 months ago
Original post by Kest
Original post by DuranStrife
But you're probably basing this from a heterosexual perspective.
Not to but in, but logically speaking, unless you're assuming that gays tend to be smarter, this has no bearing on the subject, since such traits should average out between breeders and non-breeders anyway.

MSW commented on guys not being beautiful, successful, and smart. I did include that right above that quoted text, right? That has everything to do with heterosexuality. Assuming that MSW is a heterosexual male, which I'm 98% certain of, judging by his run-through the opposition attitude. What subject are you referring to?

Tend to be smarter? They're just more openly expressive. We're expressive as well, we're just not as easy to understand. Or maybe it's that we're too easy to understand, and that complicates it for others who are trying too hard to read us. Testosterone has it's advantages. If major crap ever hits the fan, we'll be the ones not running in circles.
SYNTAX ERROR. I was being intentionally absurdist to make a point. I was not saying that gays are smarter; I was saying that they are NOT smarter. Hence the overall point that speaking from a heterosexual perspective does not alter significantly alter the logic of one's argument on the heretidy of intelligence, which was the only part I was really replying to. :)
Original post by OpenGL_Guru
I think the reason is that i dont like the flash games because most of them dont sound like pac-man..even if they are professionally made and i have played quite a few of them too. Pac-man is more about having a cheese wedge gobble up ghosts and get power pellets. When i think of Pac-man i also think about the original sounds in the game, the original graphics..none of the rip-offs have these that ive found..and i am talking about mr and mrs pac man. The only thing that matches the arcade versions of these games is from MAME. Also the flash versions are tons easier too.. the AI is completely different.

You have totally lost me. I thought you were suggesting that old school games were cool. That's exactly what flash games are.. like. There are hundreds and hundreds of completely original games out there for free download. And some are very fun and addictive. Almost anyone can make one, without much programming effort. It's a very high-level language. I have personally never tried to learn it, though, so I'm guessing a bit on the complexity of it.

I guess personally for me i am tired of games having 20 shortcuts, 30 secret codes and unrealistic gameplay just to appeal to every kiddie in the world. Whatever happened to games where you had to tough it out to get good at a game? Forget saved games and secret codes. Games like Zelda might need saved games but not all games do. There should be some games where you just have to tough it out, get down to brass knuckles to beat it. Maybe thats why i think some of these older games are still around..they are challenging. I guess to me that makes sense..if you can beat a game in 2 or 3 days then there isnt going to be much reuse. oh well..

Well I completely agree with you. But there are new games that do a great job of it. Have you played Halo 1 & 2 on Legendary? Very tough, very fun. And my PC version wouldn't let me save, so I had to get through it by reaching checkpoints. Tough like old-school NES Ninja Gaiden.

On the other hand, good games these days are usually at least 2-days worth of a lot of playing. You have to let players save the game occasionally. Not everyone likes to sit and play for hours at a time.
Original post by MSW

I should have been more pedantic, I apologize: women generally only seek to mate (not necessarily for life) with men whom they *perceive* to be "beautiful" (healthy, strong), successful and/or smart (able to provide food/shelter/safety).

Thats the "as seen on TV" media marketed version...real life is different.

MSW, you're still missing my point: name a reason a girl is dating a guy and I'll directly relate it to a biological drive (whether or not each participant is conciously aware of it). I may not be able to hit 100%, but I'll be able to show enough to prove it's not just "as seen on TV..."

BTW, the "marketed" version of things are often much closer to real life than folks want to admit. Or rather, they're much closer to how people *perceive* their life to be, whether it is objectively or not. Those "marketeers" have certainly studied far more people than either I or you have...
Original post by Simagery
Original post by MSW

I should have been more pedantic, I apologize: women generally only seek to mate (not necessarily for life) with men whom they *perceive* to be "beautiful" (healthy, strong), successful and/or smart (able to provide food/shelter/safety).

Thats the "as seen on TV" media marketed version...real life is different.

MSW, you're still missing my point: name a reason a girl is dating a guy and I'll directly relate it to a biological drive (whether or not each participant is conciously aware of it). I may not be able to hit 100%, but I'll be able to show enough to prove it's not just "as seen on TV..."

BTW, the "marketed" version of things are often much closer to real life than folks want to admit. Or rather, they're much closer to how people *perceive* their life to be, whether it is objectively or not. Those "marketeers" have certainly studied far more people than either I or you have...

Ok...a girl that can be described as a "drama queen", "attention junkie", "loves to play with fire" dates (yet secretly sleeps around on) a guy typicaly described by the girl as a "bad boy", "lying sack of poo-poo", "arsehole", even "abusive pig" because he potentialy mentaly abuses the girl (sometimes physicaly when alcohol and/or drugs are involved) and is insanely jealous for her despite the fact he sleeps around on her.

reason the girl stays with him varies from "he is sweet, funny and I love him", "he is exciteing and careing", "the good times make up for the bad", to "I guess I kinda feel sorry for him" depending on the day such a question is asked.

Most females in thier 20's (and sometimes into thier 50's) go through at least one relationship like this to some degree or another...sometimes they marry the guy, sometimes they don't, sometimes the police are involved, sometimes not, many grow out of this "phase", some don't.

Sorry, but unlike the movies where things are quite generaly presented in black and white where it can be painfully obvious who the "bad guys" are...real life is much differnt; that psycho seriel killer could very well be that nice, friendly guy next door.

But in the end human kind has long freed itself of being a slave to natural selection.

Original post by MSW
Ok...a girl that can be described as a "drama queen", "attention junkie", "loves to play with fire" dates (yet secretly sleeps around on) a guy typicaly described by the girl as a "bad boy", "lying sack of poo-poo", "arsehole", even "abusive pig" because he potentialy mentaly abuses the girl (sometimes physicaly when alcohol and/or drugs are involved) and is insanely jealous for her despite the fact he sleeps around on her.

My guess here would be exclusive rights. A "bad boy" has a tough exterior. Showing off, ripping on people, etc. She's likely the only one with access to his interior. With most guys, even the ladies he cheats with wouldn't have that access.

reason the girl stays with him varies from "he is sweet, funny and I love him", "he is exciteing and careing", "the good times make up for the bad", to "I guess I kinda feel sorry for him" depending on the day such a question is asked.

She's obviously using him as a stool. Extremely common for both males and females. Probably the number one reason for most relationships. He probably showers her with compliments or just gives her a confidence boost every day. I doubt most people even realize this is happening. They just know they feel good when the other person is around, and bad when they are not. But eventually, the confidence boosts will degrade. Every one of them decreases the value of the next. Sort of like sex. It's just not a good idea to build relationships on this, but everyone seems to do it.

Sorry, but unlike the movies where things are quite generaly presented in black and white where it can be painfully obvious who the "bad guys" are...real life is much differnt; that psycho seriel killer could very well be that nice, friendly guy next door.

Actually, I think it's easy to spot potential psychos. Depression usually leads to it. Here's my top 5 ingredients for depression, in order:
1. No healthy obsessions. Jobs or hobbies.
2. No attention from opposite sex.
3. No 'buddy' type friends.
4. No sex. Or not able to satisfy the other person during sex.
5. Cycle based lifestyle. Get up, go to work, go to bed, repeat.
DuranStrife, I wrote a reply a few minutes before you did about the originality of your game idea. It looks like you might have missed it, so I wanted to remind you. :)

Original post by Kest
Original post by OpenGL_Guru
I think the reason is that i dont like the flash games because most of them dont sound like pac-man..even if they are professionally made and i have played quite a few of them too. Pac-man is more about having a cheese wedge gobble up ghosts and get power pellets. When i think of Pac-man i also think about the original sounds in the game, the original graphics..none of the rip-offs have these that ive found..and i am talking about mr and mrs pac man. The only thing that matches the arcade versions of these games is from MAME. Also the flash versions are tons easier too.. the AI is completely different.

You have totally lost me. I thought you were suggesting that old school games were cool. That's exactly what flash games are.. like. There are hundreds and hundreds of completely original games out there for free download. And some are very fun and addictive. Almost anyone can make one, without much programming effort. It's a very high-level language. I have personally never tried to learn it, though, so I'm guessing a bit on the complexity of it.
I agree with Kest. What you are describing, OpenGL_Guru, is nostalgia. Judging a game by how well it matches the original sounds and graphics of the Pac-Man is nostalgia. I feel that way too about some other games, like Civilization II, but Civilization IV is not a worse game just because it doesn't trigger all those memories and feelings for me. It's probably better.

What Kest is saying is that there are plenty of games out there that have the same simple fun of the old arcade games.

About Flash, I'd say that it does take some programming effort, but it handles graphics and sprites and user input for you, so you don't have to deal with tricky libraries. And you can visually lay the interface out and attach scripts to individual objects.
If I pick up a Pac-Man game I will spend no more than 30 minutes on it and get bored, if I rent the latest release by ICO (Shadows of the collosus) I will play it for forty-eight consecutive hours trying to figure out and kill all the bosses.
I have extremely detailed and unique ideas for major projects, anyone interested in advanced programming, server setup (I have about five gigs of webspace at my disposal) and multimedia design should E-mail me at
Original post by axcho
DuranStrife, I wrote a reply a few minutes before you did about the originality of your game idea. It looks like you might have missed it, so I wanted to remind you. :)
Oh, I did see! I just didn't want to go off the topic. Thank you, though! :D

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