Sorry to break it to you guys, but it's slow.
Dead slow. It's cool for calling a few VERY top-level functions and doing a bit of looping about. It's also great for testing. But it's worse than (or similar to) VB when it comes to performance.
I believe I've mentioned this before somewhere (so forgive me if I sound like a broken record ), but why settle for a slow scripting language, when you might as well use a full fledged programming language such as Java?
It has got many of the virtues of scripting languages but none of the flaws! It's dead easy to write a DLL with the core game, and then write the game logic in Java using that DLL - it won't be platform independent but that wasn't the issue anyway.
Java takes a lot of the fuzz out of OO programming (in particular all the memory B.S.), it's very intuitive, and it's fast...
(No, I don't work for SUN )