
Music Showcase

Started by May 29, 2006 10:40 PM
3 comments, last by escudo825 18 years, 7 months ago
I created this thread in hopes for two things. Firstly, that within this thread, composers from all stages of their careers/development, can post a small portion of information about themselves, and one piece that represents their music, and can continue to update it on a needed basis. And secondly, So that much like their is an image of the day forum, that this can spark enough interes among the community to further the idea of having a track of the week and an artist of the month subsection to the forum. So for those who are interested in posting, I think it would be cool to use a template like this: Name: Age/Writing How Long?: Favorite Composer/Inspiration: Education/Method: - This would also include how you learn, or your methods. Track(s) to share: I simply want to see if something like this would be of interest to not only the musicians, but people that are passing by the music and sound section of the forums. I would although, like this to simply be a showcase thread for composers/sound designers and not much posting based on criticism and msuical advice. If you have any ideas or suggestions, just PM me. Maybe this will work? Maybe not :)? Thanks, Sean Beeson
Sean Beeson | Composer for Media
Good idea Sean! I guess I will jump up to the line...

My name is Ryan Reilly. Yup.

I am 23 years old and have been writing music SERIOUSLY for 2 years.

Favorite composer: This gets harder to determine as I grow older. Right now, I would say Maurice Ravel is probably my favorite, followed closely by Igor Stravinsky.

Education: Very little. I am self taught.

Method: I feel that I change my method of composition for every piece depending upon what I am going for with the overall emotional quality. Different times, different emotions, different games call for different measures and sometimes changing the layout of my compositional process will achieve the desired effect in altering the mood of the composition in question. Very specific visual Imagery usually inspires musical events within me... Inspiration IS NOT overrated. I would say that I my process is about 70 percent inspiration, 30 percent perspiration. As I get older, the perspiration goes up and the inspiration goes down. heh. My approach to music is a bit unconventional as far as development is concerned. I love to explore with music...
At the moment, I am very interesting in everything 'Old School'. I think that reflects my compositional style as of now.

Heres a few tracks:



[Edited by - Rain 7 on May 31, 2006 1:48:10 PM]
Sure, I'll shoot. :)

Age/Writing How Long?:

23 years old. Been technically writing for 2.5 yrs, but only seriously for about 1.5.

Favorite Composer/Inspiration:

Sorry if it sounds like a copout, but I'm influenced by so much I dunno if I could narrow it down. Bjorn Lynne and Igor Pogosyan probably have had the most influence over my style and the direction I've taken for the last 1.5 years.


Self-taught, 100%. Composition-wise, that is. I got 12 years of classical violin training, too. I learn through trial and error, so I'm probably not one to be giving advice, lol.

Track(s) to share:

Hallucinogenic (weird 8-bit/experimental/jazzy hiphop rubbish)

Mourning Star (film-esque orchestral)

Kaleidoscape (melodic downtempo electronica)

Soaring (electronic prog-rock)
Great idea Sean!!!

Nathan Madsen

I'm 27 and have been writing seriously for the past five years, although I didn't start writing for video games until Oct 05.

Favorite composer: Its really hard to choose one. I really enjoy Ravel or impressionistic works, Danny Elfman for making young choirs sound really creepy :) and John Williams for what he has been able to do for movie soundtracks. Love him or hate him- you have to respect his career and how he has shaped movie soundtracks.

Education: I have a bachelors and masters degree in music. I grew up playing piano, singing in choir and playing in band. As for music tech- I'm all self taught.

Method: I compose by doing a mixture of playing it in live and writing it out. This seems to work best for me. I use Sonar Studio 4, East West Symphonic Orchestra, Finale 2006 and Reason 3.

Orchestral piece: this is my newest orchestral piece and I would love your feedback!!! The other two are slighly older, but I still like them! :)

Orchestral Sample

Jazz Sample

Techno Sample

There is more music on my webpage:


[Edited by - nsmadsen on June 24, 2006 11:47:00 AM]

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

name: Daniel Williams
age: 18
favorite composer: well I'm trying to listen to alot of different music. but right now my favorite is elton john, even though he is abit odd as a person. with many others following close behind.

education: I've had the basic music education throughout all of my school (I just graduated from high school). and I've been playing alto saxaphone for almost 8 years.

method: well I've only really composed about 3 songs. and they aren't really in any position for me to get them to share. but once I get better tools and can get them online I'll share something. I mostly just imagine what I want to aim for. then I write what sounds good and goes along with those guidelines. and I've gotten pretty good feedback from friends that have listen to my stuff.

now to hope I can bring something here soon...

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