
DirectX question

Started by October 07, 1999 02:11 PM
12 comments, last by bosjoh 25 years, 2 months ago
I think the topic has changed from DirectX question to windows programming question
I have looked everywhere in the options about setting the format. I guess I missed the file->new option.

See if it is there what I want...

Thanx for all your replies.
I have found the solution to my problem.

I'd better get a book and start windows programming instead of starting DirectX.

I have programmed a lot in DOS and I want to start programming in windows using DirectX.

Can someone send me a source that demonstrates how to get into 640x480x256 gfx mode and plots a pixel?
That's the best way for me to learn things (look at sources, changing things etc.)

TheGoop: I think your sources aren't needed anymore.
I've finally discovered a way to plot pixels the way I like (using LOCK and retrieving the pointer to the primary surface).

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