[oops forgot to tell you the interrupt! 0x31 is the int]
bl=interrupt number you want to call
cx=words to copy from pm stack to rm stack... so i guess you pass params that way.
es:edi -> is the call structure with all your params...
byte desc
0x0 edi
0x4 esi
ox8 ebp
oxc reserved
ox10 ebx
ox14 edx
.. ecx
.. eax
0x20 flags
0x22 es
0x24 ds
0x26 fs
ox28 gs
ox2a ip
ox2c cs
ox2e sp
ox30 ss
after you call.. .this struct will be filled with return values too.
*I THINK* so i may be (might be, mostly likely am?) wrong
[This message has been edited by Queasy (edited September 20, 1999).]