
Win2000 runtime weirdness

Started by February 02, 2001 12:00 PM
3 comments, last by MikeD 24 years ago
I gave a program I wrote to a friend of mine to test out and it runs really sluggishly on his PC. The weird thing is, he''s got a PIII 700mhz running windows 2000 and I''ve only got a pII 233mhz running windows 95. The app contains a couple of windows running direct draw and that''s about it. It runs fine on my pc yet screws up on his. We''ve both got directx8 and I can''t see the problem. Is there a win2000 thing that this might be? Thanks, Mike
I''ve had problems getting my program to run on win2k too. I''ve heard something about it not liking you writing directly to the primary surface (video memory), but afaik I wasn''t doing that. I''ve had problems with directinput; a sticky mouse amongst other issues. On other people''s win2k systems it even crashes. I still haven''t figured this one out .

"The mere thought hadn''t even begun to speculate about the slightest possibility of traversing the eternal wasteland that is my mind..."
I''m using directdraw to do all my blitting to the primary surface buffer with
PrimarySurface->Blt( &rcRectDest, BackBuffer, &rcRectSrc, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL )
as I''m running in windowed mode.
Is this a problem?
Is there some other way of doing it in directx8?
From the tutorials I''ve read you can''t use flip in windowed mode you have to blit directly,

Any further ideas appreciated.

I think the problem is with locking the primary surface, but I''m just guessing.

"The mere thought hadn''t even begun to speculate about the slightest possibility of traversing the eternal wasteland that is my mind..."
As in I should or should not be locking the surfaces before writing to them?
None of that stuff is in my tutorials so I haven''t...


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