OK, I need a tool, and before I write it, I wanted to make sure there's not one out there already.
Here's the situation: I've got a symbol, say, const char *currentversion = "1.00." It's defined in version.h.
Now I've got myprog.cpp:
#include "myheader.h"
#include "myotherheader.h"
#include "yetanotherheader.h"
#include "onemoreheader.h"
#include "oklastoneipromise.h"
one of these header files eventually #includes version.h, tho maybe not directly (maybe myheader.h includes commonheader.h which includes version.h).
I need a tool that takes as input "currentversion" and spits out something like:
"currentversion" found in myprog.cpp/myheader.h/commonheader.h/version.h.
Browse info won't help me here. It'll take me directly to "currentversion" but it won't tell me how it got there, which is what I'm more interested in.
In other words... I'm looking for a "Find In Files" tool that recursively uses the "include tree."
As a last resort, I'm considering writing my own (doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to write as a DevStudio macro), but I'd rather just d/l it. 
Has anyone heard of such a tool?
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios