
Minimizing fullscreen apps

Started by September 06, 1999 03:29 AM
5 comments, last by GunnarSteinn 25 years, 6 months ago
Depends on what you're using ? Are you using Direct3D / DirectDraw ? ... ? If you're using DirectDraw, your surfaces will be lost, so you gotta restore anything. There are some more problems, so some details would be fine.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
I'm using DDraw in 800x600 8-bit mode.
I set the cooperation level like this

I'm using the WGPFD engine

then you've got to restore your surfaces, it's explained in the sources in the sdk. Just a few lines of code.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
Also, if you have loaded anything at all into Video memory, after you restore the surface you will have to reload them with the graphics that go in them.

- Chris

In my program based on DX5 Fullscreen,
iv'e controlled minimizing by creating a bActive variable which equals FALSE if the app is non active (iconized),TRUE if the app is FullScreen. (pretty standard)
My bActive is controlled by two WM_ messages (WM_LOSTFOCUS and WM_GAINFOCUS ??), and I have coded my main loop as:

WinMain(bla bla)
while(bla bla..
if(bActive) DoGameUpdate();

Make sure when calling DDraw functions, you check the results (ddrval).
If the result is DDRVAL_LOSTSURFACE, imediatelly restore ALL Surfaces using ->restore(), and exit your screen drawing function if ddrval is not DD_OK.
Otherwise if you try to flip and blit to a lost surface, the system will hang!


  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

I'm having a little problem with my game. If I minimize it everything is ok but when I try to maximize it again the program halts and I have to use ctrl+alt+del.
I know I have to use the WM_SIZE message but how?
This should do it, just call it before you start rendering anything. (Therefore, it's in my render-function() )

if (FrontBuffer->IsLost() == DDERR_SURFACELOST){	FrontBuffer->Restore();     }

Dance with me......

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