
Very Simple Question (need help - 2D arrays)

Started by January 29, 2001 05:30 PM
3 comments, last by Samdil 24 years ago
I am currently starting a new programming project. It''s going to be a text-based meld of RTS/town simulator. Now, here''s my question. I know how to use 2D arrays a bit, but I haven''t been able to get mine working. My reference books don''t seem to help me (mostly since my problem is with function calls). Can I see what you all would write (very basically) for a 10x10 2D array and allow the person to move between the tiles? I''m not sure where my problem lies. I''d like to see an example of something similar to what I have so I can find out where I went wrong. Thanks in advance. --Samdil
Here''s some very simple tile based [pseudo-]code. It doesn''t cover loading of maps, objects on the ground, scrolling of the screen, initialization (general, or with any API), or anything seriously complex (I''m writing this with about 5 minutes of time, heh). It also doesn''t show you the best coding habits, but I''m just meaning it to get the point across:

  #define TILE_WIDTH 10#define TILE_HEIGHT 10#define TILE_PIX_WIDTH 50#define TILE_PIX_HEIGHT 50// We''ll assume that the character is the same size as a tile =P/* Character info */struct Player {  long x, y;  /* Insert Image Stuff Here */};/* Will hold information about whether or not a tile is able to be walked through. If collide equals true then you cannot walk through it */struct TileInfo {  bool collide;  /* Insert Image Stuff Here */};/* Holds a "palette" of tiles, and 10x10 references to them. You should of course make it dynamic for better usability and efficiency */struct Map {  TileInfo TI[256];  unsigned char tiles[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_HEIGHT];}Map WorldMap;Player PlayerOne;bool KeyBoard[256]; // Init all to false in your code// Outlines a really cheesy map rendering ruitinevoid RenderMap(void) {  /* Clear Screen */  for(int a=0; a<10; a++) {    for(int b=0; b<10; b++) {      /* Draw tile image WorldMap.TI[WorldMap.tiles[a]] at<br>         x=a*TILE_PIX_WIDTH by y=b*TILE_PIX_WIDTH */<br>    }<br>  }<br>  /* Render Character at x=PlayerOne.x by y=PlayerOne.y */<br>}<br><br><br>// Tests for rectangular collision<br>bool RectRect(const RECT &a, const RECT &b) {<br>  if(a.left&gt;b.right) return false;<br>  if(a.right&lt;b.left) return false;<br>  if(;b.bottom) return false;<br>  if(a.bottom&lt; return false;<br>  return true;<br>}<br><br>// Handles movement of a character, tests for collision<br>void MoveCharacterDir(long x, long y) { // Amount to move char.<br>  RECT play_rect;<br>  RECT tile_rect;<br>  SetRect(&play_rect,PlayerOne.x+x,PlayerOne.y+y,PlayerOne.x+TILE_PIX_WIDTH+x,PlayerOne.y+TILE_PIX_HEIGHT+y);<br>  for(int a=0; a&lt;10; a++) {<br>    for(int b=0; b&lt;10; b++) {<br>      SetRect(&tile_rect,a*TILE_PIX_WIDTH,b*TILE_PIX_HEIGHT,(a+1)*TILE_PIX_HEIGHT,(b+1)*TILE_PIX_WIDTH)<br>      if(RectRect(play_rect,tile_rect) return;<br>    }<br>  }<br>  PlayerOne.x += x;<br>  PlayerOne.y += y;<br>}<br><br>// A fake Windows message handler (very bad impression, I know)<br>SUMTIN HandleKeyboard(SOMEMSG Msg, SOMETHING Key) {<br>  switch(Msg) {<br>    case SOME_MSG_KEY_DOWN:<br>      KeyBoard[Key] = true;<br>      break;<br>    case SOME_MSG_KEY_UP:<br>      KeyBoard[Key] = false;<br>      break;<br>    default:<br>     return DoDefaultDeally();<br>     break;<br>}<br><br>// A really pitiful game-loop, the manager of your game<br>void GameLoop(void) {<br>  if(KeyBoard[SOME_LEFT_KEY]) MoveCharacterDir(-5, 0);<br>  else if(KeyBoard[SOME_RIGHT_KEY]) MoveCharacterDir(5, long y);<br>  else if(KeyBoard[SOME_UP_KEY]) MoveCharacterDir(0, -5);<br>  else if(KeyBoard[SOME_DOWN_KEY]) MoveCharacterDir(0, 5);<br>  RenderMap();<br>  /* Do something with HandleKeyboard here */</font><br>}<br>  </pre></font></td></tr></table></center><!–ENDSCRIPT–><br>Ask as many questions as you''d like, I know that I left out a ton of stuff, but I was trying to provide a simple framework. I stress that this is horrible, non-functional pseudo-code, but I hope it gives you an idea. Good luck. Pray that someone posts some better code, and that mine doesn''t confuse you… heh <img src="tongue.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>    <br><br><HR WIDTH=100%><br><A href=""></a><br>    
Well, that''s not quite was I was looking for, since I''m just doing a VERY simple *text* game. But, I think I have it working now. I''ll post an update after I''ve finished with the adjustments.

Thanks for the help, however.

Well, it works, but not the way I''d like.

If someone could post a sample to compare, that''d be great. Thanks in advance.

OK, I decided to post my source so far and explain the problem.

I can get this to compile and link and execute fine, but when I move, the coords update only the Y value, and only in the positive direction. Example: start 0,0; input N - 0,1; input E - 0,2; input S - 0,3; input W - 0,4 etc.

Again this is just a simple program so far; I want to get this main part working before I expand on it. Source:

    #include <iostream.h>#include <conio.h>//Prototypesvoid clrscrn();int moveChar(char);//Global Variablesint px; //player X and Y coordinatesint py;char provOwner; //stores owner of the provinceint provinces[10][10] ={2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, 4,						2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4,						2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3}; //numbers for test purposes onlychar input, fInput; //player input and proxy variable for function moveChar()struct kings {	char name;} p[4]; //this is here because eventually this will expand to hold all variables for each rulerint sCheck; //checks if input was validint i; //loop countervoid main() {	//Get player name, store in their structure	cout << "What is your name?\n";	cin >> p[0].name;	clrscrn();		do {		//Assign province owner names		if(provinces[px][py] == 1) {			provOwner = p[0].name;		}		if(provinces[px][py] == 2) {			provOwner = p[1].name;		}		if(provinces[px][py] == 3) {			provOwner == p[2].name;		}		if(provinces[px][py] == 4) {			provOwner == p[3].name;		}		//Tells where player is		cout << "You are in " << provOwner << "'s kingdom. -- " << px << "," << py << "\n\n";		//Input on direction to go (no restrictions yet on going "out of bounds")		cout << "Go where?\n\n";		cout << "(N)orth, (S)outh, (E)ast, (W)est\n";		do { //Get input until valid entry is inputted			cin >> input;			sCheck = moveChar(input);		} while(sCheck == 0);		clrscrn();	} while(input != 'exit'); //Loop while user doesn't input 'exit'/* DOESN'T WORK - still here in case I need it later; it keeps asking for input when I use this  switch(input) {		case 'N':		case 'n':			py++;			sCheck = 1;		break;		case 'E':		case 'e':			px++;			sCheck = 1;		break;		case 'S':		case 's':			py--;			sCheck = 1;		break;		case 'W':		case 'w':			px--;			sCheck = 1;		break;		default:		break;	}}*///Function seems to work, but not as intended; actually breaks input loopint moveChar(char fInput) {	if(input == 'N' | 'n') {		py++;		return 1; 	} else { 		if(input == 'S' | 's') {			py--;			return 1;		} else {			if(input == 'E' | 'e') {				px++;				return 1;			} else {				if(input == 'W' | 'w') {					px--;					return 1;				} else {					return 0;				}			}		}	}}//Clear scren :)		void clrscrn() {	for(i=0; i<25; i++) {		cout << "\n";	}	i=0;}    

Edited by - Samdil on February 1, 2001 2:32:23 PM

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