
Dynamic class pointer arrays?

Started by August 22, 1999 07:37 PM
5 comments, last by WhiteHouse 25 years, 3 months ago
class llave {
char stuff;

int stuff2;

llave *ptr;

void main() {

ptr = new llave[number_here];

ptr[x].stuff = 'C';

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Thanks for the answer but unfortunatley i already know how to do that. What i need to know is how to create an dynamic pointer array that can grow and shrink in size in runtime.

How about using a linked list with whatever data members you need. To use it like an array, overload the [] operator.


Do you perhaps know where I might find a tutorial on the subject of linked lists?
Try searching for it on yahoo or another search engine. It is a basic concept, so you should be able to find plenty of information.
Simple question, hard answer... I just need help with how to initialize and use them in my game.

Kim Forsberg
WorldScape Productions

// linklist.cpp
// linked list

struct link // one element of list
int data; // data item
link* next; // pointer to next link

class linklist // a list of links
link* first; // pointer to first link
linklist() // no-argument constructor
{ first = NULL; } // no first link
void additem(int d); // add data item (one link)
void display(); // display all links

void linklist::additem(int d) // add data item
link* newlink = new link; // make a new link
newlink->data = d; // give it data
newlink->next = first; // it points to next link
first = newlink; // now first points to this

void linklist::display() // display all links
link* current = first; // set ptr to first link
while( current != NULL ) // quit on last link
cout << endl << current->data; // print data
current = current->next; // move to next link

void main()
linklist li; // make linked list

li.additem(25); // add four items to list

li.display(); // display entire list

i got this out of a book dont know if itll help you any

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