
Gentoo Linux keyboard issues

Started by March 14, 2006 05:09 AM
3 comments, last by klems 18 years, 10 months ago
I've already posted this to the Gentoo forums, with no luck. Perhaps someone here can help. After a long period of using Debian, I thought I'd check up on how things are in the Gentoo world again, and almost immediately I ran into a few keyboard issues. I'm using a Swedish keyboard layout, and GNOME for my desktop environment. Recently installed modular, which seems to be the direct cause of problem 2. First off, I seem completely unable to use the characters Å, Ä and Ö (would be aring, auml and ouml in HTML) in gnome-terminal. I haven't had the opportunity to try with other terminals yet. This seems Gentoo-specific, as I've never experienced it before with any other dist. Second, and this one appeared after installing modular, my Alt Gr key doesn't work on the login screen. It works just fine after login though, and all other keys seem to work. This problem seems quite universal to modular, as I've experienced it with several dists and modular X. [SOLVED] Third, and this isn't related to X, but I thought it better to gather all the issues in one thread, in the "normal" text only console, I can't use arrow keys, backspace, delete, etc. However, Å, Ä and Ö works quite fine. This is another Gentoo specific. Fourth, I get the same error message as this guy when starting GNOME or fiddling with the keyboard config through the GNOME control panel, except, obviously, it's in English. It doesn't seem to cause any trouble other than the two problems I first mentioned. The relevant section from xorg.conf:
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "keyboard"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc105"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "se"
In rc.conf, UNICODE is set to "yes". KEYMAP is set to "sv-latin1". CONSOLEFONT is set to "iso01.14". If there are any other config files or variables related, please do tell. I don't know what more info to include, however. If I did, I might be able to solve the problem myself. [Edited by - Valderman on March 14, 2006 6:44:25 AM]
Look at

I know it isn't your distro but the trouble-shooting part should apply generally.
Nothing in there solved the problems with Xorg. On the brighter side of things, I managed to get the text only console working as intended. One down, three to go.
A simple (but prehaps not the best) way to get swedish characters is to create a file called .Xmodmap in your home directory (I've only tried it with slackware) with the following content:

! Xmodmap.sw: Swedish keyboard setup for IBM PC! AltGr selects the modifier map 1 (mod1)! Alt   prepends an ESC to each pressed key (two characters sent)clear mod1! keysym Alt_R = Mode_switchadd mod1 = Alt_Ladd mod5 = Mode_switch! Keysyms suitable for a swedish keyboard (Ändrad av Erik Jonsson)keycode   8 =!keycode   9 = Escapekeycode  9 = backslash		braceleft	braceright	slashkeycode  10 = 1			exclam		paragraph       onesuperiorkeycode  11 = 2			quotedbl	at		twosuperiorkeycode  12 = 3			numbersign	sterling	threesuperiorkeycode  13 = 4			currency	dollar		centkeycode  14 = 5			percent		parenleft	guillemotrightkeycode  15 = 6			ampersand	parenright	guillemotleftkeycode  16 = 7			slash		braceleft	greaterkeycode  17 = 8			parenleft	bracketleft	lesskeycode  18 = 9			parenright	bracketright	brokenbarkeycode  19 = 0			equal		braceright	barkeycode  20 = plus		question	backslash	plusminuskeycode  21 = dead_acute	dead_grave      acute           gravekeycode  22 = BackSpacekeycode  23 = Tabkeycode  24 = q			Q		agravekeycode  25 = w			W		ediaeresiskeycode  26 = e			E		ecircumflexkeycode  27 = r			R		registered	copyrightkeycode  28 = t			T		thornkeycode  29 = y			Y		yacutekeycode  30 = u			U		udiaeresiskeycode  31 = i			I		iacutekeycode  32 = o			O		ocircumflexkeycode  33 = p			P       	bracketleft	braceleftkeycode  34 = aring		Aring		bracketright	bracerightkeycode  35 = dead_diaeresis	dead_circumflex	dead_tildekeycode  36 = Returnkeycode  37 = Control_Lkeycode  38 = a			A		exclamdown      acircumflexkeycode  39 = s			S		ssharp		asciicircumkeycode  40 = d			D		ethkeycode  41 = f			F		ordfeminine	masculinekeycode  42 = g			G		degree		asciitildekeycode  43 = h			H		eacute		keycode  44 = j			J		egravekeycode  45 = k			K		ogravekeycode  46 = l			L		oacutekeycode  47 = odiaeresis	Odiaeresis	oslashkeycode  48 = adiaeresis	Adiaeresis	ae		keycode  49 = section		onehalf         onequarter	threequarterskeycode  50 = Shift_Lkeycode  51 = apostrophe	asterisk	grave		asciitildekeycode  52 = z			Z		questiondown    diaeresiskeycode  53 = x			X		multiply	divisionkeycode  54 = c			C		ccedilla	Ccedillakeycode  55 = v			V		ucircumflexkeycode  56 = b			B		notsign         aacutekeycode  57 = n			N		ntilde          Ntildekeycode  58 = m			M		mukeycode  59 = comma		semicolon	less		grave	keycode  60 = period		colon		greater		acutekeycode  61 = minus		underscore	hyphen		macronkeycode  62 = Shift_Rkeycode  63 = KP_Multiply	KP_Multiply	KP_Divide	KP_Dividekeycode  64 = Alt_Lkeycode  65 = spacekeycode 66 = Escape!keycode  66 = Control_L		XF86ModeLockkeycode  67 = F1                F11keycode  68 = F2                F12keycode  69 = F3                F13keycode  70 = F4                F14keycode  71 = F5                F15keycode  72 = F6                F16keycode  73 = F7                F17keycode  74 = F8                F18keycode  75 = F9                F19keycode  76 = F10               F20keycode  77 = Num_Lock          keycode  78 = Scroll_Lock!keycode  79 = Home		KP_7		KP_7		Homekeycode  79 = braceleft         KP_7		KP_7		braceleft!keycode  80 = Up		KP_8		KP_8		Upkeycode  80 = backslash		KP_8		KP_9            backslash!keycode  81 = Prior		KP_9		KP_9		Priorkeycode  81 = braceright        KP_9		KP_9		Priorkeycode  82 = KP_Subtract	KP_Subtract	KP_Add		KP_Add!keycode  83 = Left		KP_4		KP_4		Leftkeycode  83 = guillemotright    KP_4		KP_4		guillemotrightkeycode  84 = asciitilde        KP_5      	KP_5		asciitilde!keycode  84 = Begin		KP_5      	KP_5		F7!keycode  84 = Meta_R		KP_5      	KP_5		F7keycode  85 = guillemotleft	KP_6		KP_6		guillemotleft!keycode  85 = Right	 	KP_6		KP_6		Rightkeycode  86 = KP_Add            equal		KP_Add		KP_Add!keycode  87 = End		KP_1		KP_1		Endkeycode  87 = bracketleft	KP_1		KP_1		End!keycode  88 = Down		KP_2		KP_2		Downkeycode  88 = at		KP_2		KP_2		Down!keycode  89 = Next		KP_3		KP_3		Nextkeycode  89 = bracketright	KP_3		KP_3		Next keycode  90 = Insert		KP_0		KP_0		Insert!keycode  90 = parenleft         KP_0		KP_0		Insert keycode  91 = Delete		KP_Decimal 	KP_Decimal 	Delete !keycode  91 = parenright        KP_Decimal 	KP_Decimal 	Delete!keycode  92 =			0x1007ff00keycode  93 =keycode  94 = less		greater		bar		backslashkeycode  95 = F11keycode  96 = F12keycode  97 = Homekeycode  98 = Upkeycode  99 = Priorkeycode 100 = Leftkeycode 101 = Beginkeycode 102 = Rightkeycode 103 = Endkeycode 104 = Downkeycode 105 = Next!keycode 106 = Insertkeycode 106 = Escapekeycode 107 = Deletekeycode 108 = KP_Enterkeycode 109 = Control_Rkeycode 110 = Caps_Lock!keycode 110 = Pausekeycode 111 = grave		acute		asciitilde	asciicircum!keycode 111 = Printkeycode 112 = KP_Divide		KP_Divide	backslash	backslashkeycode 113 = Mode_switch!keycode 113 = AltGrkeycode 114 = Breakkeycode 115 = slash		braceleft	bracketleft	asciitilde!keycode 115 = vaenster win95keycode 116 = backslash		braceright	bracketright	asciicircum!keycode 116 = hoeger win95keycode 117 = Escape!keycode 117 = win95 startlista! Override some of the above settings to make the! "feel" of the keyboard more comfortable (IMHO)! Set Control_L to Caps_Lock! Set Caps_Lock to Control_Lkeycode 37 = Control_L!keycode 66 = Control_Lkeycode 110 = Caps_Lockkeycode 117 = Escape!keycode 9 = Caps_Lockclear Lockclear Controladd Lock = Caps_Lockadd Control = Control_L Control_R! Set backspace (left arrow) to delete! (Backspace is still available via C-h.)! keycode 22 = Delete! Move Escape "closer" to the left hand! keycode 9 = section onehalf! keycode 49 = Escape
Thanks, that worked like a charm! I don't suppose there's a way to apply such a file system wide?

The dialog in #4 still bitches at me at login though, and I think I might be on to something. 7 has a bit different directory structure from previous versions, is there a possibility that someone forgot to move some keyboard-related files?
Where would such files be located under the old ( 6.9.0 and earlier) structure? perhaps I'd find something if I went poking around there for a bit.

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