
My BEST Song yet! High energy and Linear (made with modtracker!!!)

Started by March 02, 2006 09:16 PM
4 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
I just downloaded modplug tracker and gave it a whirl. I came up with something fierce! (I admit, I've used it before heh but not in ages) I really like this song, and it is by far the most linear song I've created to date! It's an action paced song, very fast, very fierce, with lots of changes. The song has compression filter and is stereo enhanced for goodness. The mp3 file is almost 6 megs! BUT.. the .IT file is only 550kb!! :o I would love to hear your feedback here. I haven't posted my latest songs as an announcement in a while, but this song is just so good I really want everyone to hear it! If you haven't used me yet I AM available to make music for you. Now that I can do IT/XM anything is possible!! 8) You can hit the stream up here: descent, live stream site If you're feeling lazy, Direct Download here: descent.mp3 6mb OH YEAH!! I might as well shamelessly plug my shmup site (Since I love shmups, and everyone here at this place LOVES to make them!!!) (you can post your music there too!!!)
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I like it a lot! :)

I'll have to listen to it a few more times before I give any feedback...but I get a very STREETS of RAGE-esque type feel with this one. Definitely a cool mix of techno/ pumpness/oldschool. Cool man.

I am trying to get something going using a tracker...perhaps I'll post it when it doesn't suck complete ass. lol
The whole mix overall seems too wet with reverb. Kill some of the reverb, I think, and you'll get a more satisfying, clean sound. At the risk of sounding rude, the whole thing sounds like it's taking place in a bathroom. That said, it's a good track, and it'd be better without all that echo.
I re-read your original post and I think I've figured out what your problem is. Applying an over-all stereo enhancer is generally a bad idea. When I want to phatten out a track, I apply stereo enhancement to particular bands (especially in the high-ranges) because they're the ones that need phattening. Applying TOO much stereo enhancement will result in that in-the-bathroom sound you have due to the delay it produces between channels.
My first thought was "too wet." I really like the music, though.

The bass line, partway in, gets a little trite - it basically starts doing octave leaps about halfway through. You also have a weird line in there that plays several notes (quickly), then another set, then another, and another - one set is really high, and just doesn't sound very good. It's right before the scale stuff.

Anyways, nice!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
although it is quite repetative I think that the thwacky sound that goes on the entire song's background should at least be changed at the breakdown-point of the song. The breakdown is to make the song take a break from the usual progression, and although you change the lead melody, you use the same thwacky background sound. If you replace this or simply omit it, it will do wonders for your break. Overall interesting sound though.

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